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<Becoming a Gangster Cat Butler> Synopsis










#Revenge #Cat #Butler #Suspense #Modern #Gangsters #Police


3 Volumes (Total 87 Chapters) Scheduled Completion


All Ages




Name : 로부스타 (Robustar)

When you look at coffee ads, the words Arabica 100% appear often. Robusta refers to a variety with a lesser taste than Arabica but lower production cost because it is easy to grow. But it is still being sold steadily to someone. I dream of being Arabica, but even as Robusta Im happy being a writer.



[Ma Woojin] He dreams of taking revenge for his mother who was brutally murdered in front of his eyes. But starting from the bottom will take too long. He becomes a gangster to use the gang as a footstool for his revenge.

[Han Seoin] He becomes a police officer to catch the gangster who stuck a knife in his fathers, who was the head of the violent crime division, chest. However, there are too few clues to accurately identify the culprit.

[Cha Dongseok] Scapegoats his wife and son in order to save an organization that is being pushed back by a territory dispute.

[Hong Inki] He was Cha Dongseoks right hand man but was thrown away as a decoy in order to destroy a rival organization.

[Ha Inwoo] Becomes friends with Woojin after he kills the gangsters who visited Inwoos mothers restaurant and helps in his revenge plan and approaches Cha Dongseok.

[Baek Siwoo] A webtoon artist who draws daily cat cartoons and joined an abandoned cat rescue group. However, his incomprehensible behavior makes him a suspect of being a cat poison killer.


Short Introduction

I became a gangster to punish my gangster father for killing my mother.

A cat with a free ride who spent my entire life focused on revenge.

But now, my revenge ends with this guy.


A gangster boss who sacrificed his wife and children for his own sake.

Ma Woojin became a gangster to get back at him.


A father who was a violent crime detective, killed by a gangsters knife.

Han Seoin became a police officer to bring the killer to justice.


A kitten that unintentionally turned Woojin into a butler unites the two in a strange fate. However, Seoins suspicion that Woojins organization was related to his fathers murder creates a seed of distrust between them.


Seoin learns that Woojins father, Cha Dongseok, is the culprit, and the two band together against a common enemy. Unfortunately, their efforts only end in frustration every time.


However, like a gift from god, a cat provides a decisive clue that will break Cha Dongseok.

