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<Channel_Time of Zero> Synopsis










#BJ #Serial Killer #Live Broadcasting #Criminal Search #Thriller #Sociopath


4 Volumes (103 Chapters) Complete


All Ages




m현림 (mHyunlim)

Trying to become a writer great enough that people will read my works just because they see my name.



Character Introductions and Relationship Diagram


Lee Jumyeong / BJ Zero

If you want something, you should take it. Why would you hesitate?

The famous BJ Zero with around 20 million subscribers. Hes a sociopath.

A highly skilled sociopath who knows how to use what he has to get what he wants. Jumyeong thinks criminals are idiots. In his mind, it isnt reasonable to throw away what one has, what one wants, and what one can have in the future in the name of a crime. This idea enables him to linger among ordinary people.

Lee Jumyeong is attractive.

Long, sleek, and large mono-lidded eyes, slightly thick eyebrows, and a sharp nose. He even has a charming little mole on the tip of his nose. In contrast to the raised corners of his mouth, his eyes filled with sadness, loneliness, and of course melancholy make him look attractive.

And Jumyeong is a person who knows how to use his appearance well.

In Jumyeongs eyes, the world has always been boring.

Perhaps his boredom is greater because he is so different from others. Jumyeong does not sympathize with the feelings of others. From the first day he was diagnosed as a psychopath, his parents, who had no affection for their child from the very beginning, forced Jumyeong to act how they wanted. They taught him not to get caught saying he was different from others and that to blend in, he had to imitate others. So, Jumyeong became accustomed to wearing a mask and acting similarly to others. The original Jumyeong was calculating and didnt feel guilty about tricking people to get what he wanted. Additionally, he became adept at controlling and creating his own emotions. The moment he got used to living like that, he became more outspoken. People who are fooled by the mask with have good feelings towards him.


G / Serial Killer / Slate Blue / Suspect 1

Murder is an aesthetic. It makes abandoned people beautiful. Thats why I have to kill.

His first murder was more than 20 years ago but he disappeared after killing six people. He even sent his criminal record to Jumyeong. He was happy that the murder he had accomplished was known to the public.

Was it because it made him happy? G starts murdering again. The same way he killed 20 years ago. No, its even more elaborate now than it was back then. Now, its even easier to avoid CCTV and black boxes.

G had an unhappy childhood.

Born into a wealthy family, G grew up subjected to violence. His biological father hit him as if it were a given. G then turned that violence onto insects and animals, as if it would transfer his pain and wounds.

G has been watching Jumyeongs solo broadcasts for a long time. The name Slate Blue has been in his comments for so long that things are no longer awkward between them.


Yeo JooA / Crazy Dog / Suspect 2

Why should I be the only one who is unhappy? I want everyone to be unhappy together.

Yeo JooA fell in love with Jumyeong at first sight.

Did JooA feel a connection to Jumyeong because the sadness she could see in his eyes was so similar to hers? Or was she fascinated by his good looks? No one knew the answer. All anyone knows is that everything about JooA is directed toward Jumyeong.

JooA was brave when she hid behind the name of Crazy Dog.

Maybe since no one could see her face, but it was easier to spit out harsh words when reality felt like it was in the gutter. Yeo JooAs life was ruined by her fathers death. There was a picture of a crime scene in her fathers stuff. After finding it, her mother began to rely heavily on alcohol as if she had given up on life.


Joo Taeho

A former taekwondo athelete. Jumyeongs long-time friend. Hes tall and big, so he eats well and moves well. He trusts Jumyeong blindly after receiving a lot of his help in his school days. Jumyeong is a big part of his life.


Koo Dokyung

A detective who retired early. Hes in charge of police data for Time of Zero. He looks perfectly normal. All the time before he started working with Jumyeong is unknown. What is he hiding?


Park Jinseop

First met Jumyeong as his tutor in high school. That was when he found out that Jumyeong is a sociopath. He was next to Jumyeong during the consultation with his parents. Hes convinced that he has Jumyeong controlled. But is he actually?

Short Introduction

Jumyeong, a famous and handsome BJ with over 20 million subscribers who hosts content about unsolved cases. One day, Jumyeong is sent data about a crime that was committed 26 years ago. And Jumyeong is a sociopath. Whos going to be chased, and whos going to be caught?


1. Beginning

Channel_Time of Zero, a popular broadcast on Blackwood, the internets number 1 video platform. The popular BJ Zero runs a channel with more than 20 million subscribers where he deals with mysteries and unsolved cases.

His broadcast is always unique. He uses vivid explanations that give the viewer the sense of being at the scene. This made his a popular BJ with more than 20 million subscribers.


On a normal day when he left the studio after recording.

An envelope without a sender was delivered to Jumyeong. Inside the envelope were traces of a serial killer who had killed six people 20 years ago before disappearing without a trace.

Jumyeong becomes interested in the case and lightly investigates. And then he realizes. The documents he received werent police case files or news articles. These were documents made and compiled by the criminal himself. The only one who was able to send these documents to Jumyeong was the serial killer himself.


Lee Jumyeong is a sociopath. But Jumyeong hides among ordinary people to get what he wants. What Jumyeong wants now is to catch the criminal through his own broadcast. For that, he has to increase the modifiers next to his name. He wanted modifiers next to his name that would increase is appearance in the search results on the platform. The criminal who reported himself to Jumyeong was an excellent tool he could use.

In addition, the criminal had a number of signatures that were sure to attract peoples attention. The most unique signature was engraving the letter G on each victims forehead. But even that was nothing more than the brand of an ordinary serial killer to Junmyeong.

Nevertheless, Jumyeong was happy. Because a serial killer with a signature was showing great interest in him.


Jumyeong uploads a video using the foundation materials on the G case without knowing that thats exactly what G is hoping for.

Jumyeong then receives police files about the case from 20 years ago from Detective Koo. Detective Koo has been in charge of gathering police data for Jumyeong since he retired. Jumyeong tries to understand G by comparing the notes from Detective Koo with the information he has from G himself.


2. Development

What are you killing for? Is murder worth trading everything you have?

Jumyeong visits Park Jinseop because he has trouble understanding the feelings of others on his own. Park Jinseop is a criminal psychologist who has been with Jumyeong since they were young. Jinseop first met Jumyeong while disguised as his tutor to study more about teenage psychology. He recognized at once that Jumyeong was a sociopath.


Jinseop believes he has control of Jumyeong. He believes that Jumyeong doesnt fall into the temptation of crime thanks to his counselling. Therefore, Jinseop is in charge of criminal advice during Jumyeongs Time of Zero broadcasts.

He only keeps in touch with Jumyeong. This is because Jumyeong prevents contact between Park Jinseop and other people in the office for his own gain. This time, Park Jinseop gives him information on Gs past crimes.


Jumyeong begins his broadcast about G based on what he heard from Jinseop. He told the story of how each victim, who was always alone, became the target of the crime. That alone had a significant impact on Gs case. It was enough to make the already famous Jumyeong attract attention again.  So, Jumyeong was happy. Little by little, it felt like what he wanted was coming straight into his hands.


There was one person who felt a strong sense of inferiority to Jumyeong. BJ Goat. He had a very shallow acquaintance with Jumyeong. He was always jealous of Jumyeongs popularity. He becomes the first new victim of G, who had stopped killing for more than 20 years.

Detective Koo and Taeho realize the danger coming from the murder surrounding Jumyeong. Detective Koo and Taeho are always worried about Jumyeong. Thats why they pay a lot of attention to him.


The criminal wanted to tell Jumyeong. He needed to always be careful of his surroundings. He could aim for Jumyeong at any time; it was entirely his own will.

Jumyeong also thought the criminal was watching him. The two viewers that caught his eye were Crazy Dog and Slate Blue. Those two with unique IDs had stood out since he started broadcasting about the G case. And the black hat that started to circle around Jumyeong. They all walked right onto the boat the Jumyeong was tracking.


Crazy Dog. She was obsessed with Jumyeong. The gloomy woman fell in love with Jumyeong at first site. She will do anything to get Jumyeongs attention. At some point, Crazy Dog begins hovering around Jumyeong and monitoring him to the point of obsession. She hides herself with a black hat and a black mask.


Slate Blue. He was an observer. Its unknown what he wants and why he hovers around Jumyeong. He also hides himself with a black hat and black mask just like Crazy Dog. 


Jumyeong associates the presences of Crazy Dog, Slate Blue, and the black hat with G. Among those two, one of them is G and the black hat. When Jumyeong places the black hat and G on the same line, Detective Park and Detective Song of the Metropolitan Investigation Unit arrive. The detectives intend to use Jumyeong as bait to catch the criminal. But Jumyeong already knew this

The detectives are trying to exploit him. Therefore, Jumyeong decides to use them too. First, he needs to expose the detectives to live broadcasts, so that people can recognize the same people returning in each video. Lee Jumyeong and BJ Zero were trying to make them realize this was a dangerous situation.

Slate Blue and Crazy Dog recognize the detectives thanks to Jumyeong.


On the day Jumyeong visits the scene of Gs past crime, G prepares a gift for him. A picture of the next victim. It was a photo taken of Jumyeong and BJ SoSo together.


BJ SoSo is Jumyeongs former lover. She is also one of the few people who knows Jumyeong is a sociopath. Shes one of the people who helped Jumyeong learn how to behave like an ordinary person. Therefore, Jumyeong is amused that shes the next victim G chose.

Jumyeong sends the detectives to SoSo and looks around. This time too, the black hat was around, always watching. The black hat makes a small appearance so that Jumyeong is aware before he hides and watches for his own amusement.


The black hat feels joy in observing Jumyeong from afar and watching him run toward the end. The black hat could feel it faintly. Jumyeong is the same as him. The sense of homogeneity makes him even more obsessed.


Park Jinseop profiles a time when the next murder can be expected.

If the criminal is acting alone, he is believed to be in his 50s, and if it is an accomplice or copycat, they are likely in their 20s. The reason why he would keep such a young accomplice is to distinguish his murders from the new accomplices murders. G is proficient in criminal knowledge or human psychology and doesnt stand out now.

The most important thing to note is that Gs criteria for choosing his victims has changed. 20 years ago, he targeted people who lived alone, but now he is targeting people related to Jumyeong. Therefore, he advises that the investigation method be changed.


Following the profile result, Jumyeong changes the way he deals with G. He decides to criticize G on air and denigrate his crime in order to provoke G. In addition, he exposes his own location on broadcast.

As if in answer to the broadcast, G breaks into Jumyeongs house and leaves a sign that he was there. He hides his figured with a black hat and mask. Jumyeong pretends to be afraid and broadcasts the signs just as G wants. G moves just as Jumyeong wants. Thanks to this, he was able to select suspects among his subscribers. Again, Crazy Dog and Slate Blue are the names that stand out.


After Gs intrusion, the concerns of Taeho and Detective Koo grow even greater. For some time, they have been concerned about the black hat hanging around Jumyeong, and now the existence of G was even more threatening. As Jumyeong becomes more worried about his surroundings, G only grows happier. He sends gifts, plays pranks, and continues teasing as if hes going to reveal his identity.


Jumyeong calls Jinseop to his house to carry out their plan. Then, he sends individual videos to Slate Blue and Crazy Dog. The video shows Park Jinseop tied to a chair.


3. Crisis

Again, G finds himself practically possessed in the face of Jumyeongs temptation. He believed that Jumyeong was giving him the gift of Park Jinseop tied up in his house. However, the reality was that they were creating an opportunity for criminal psychologist Park Jinseop to find out Gs identity.


Jumyeong, who was watching from outside the house, comes in as G attacks Park Jinseop. G runs away, leaving a document envelope and saying its a gift. Jumyeong loses track of G and returns home where he opens the envelope.

And then he finds out. SoSo, the next victim G had pointed out, is dead. Jumyeong is disappointed to feel like something was taken away from him. But of course, he doesnt have any emotions of sadness. He still has a lot of his own things left.


When Jumyeong heads to SoSos house, hes contacted by Detective Koo. Jumyeong doesnt notice that Detective Koo is more awkward than usual. The most important thing now is that G killed SoSo. Therefore, Jumyeong decides to punish G.


4. Climax

Jumyeongs punishment is to cut off all attention given toward G. G explodes when Jumyeong stops broadcasting about him.

G kills the suspect in the case that Jumyeong talks about on his broadcast instead of G. The previous signatures that he left every time previously are nowhere to be found. Additionally, the scene was a mess as if he had been venting his anger. However, he still managed to leave behind the letter G, as if to inform Jumyeong of his crime. It wasnt placed on the victims forehead this time, but rather hidden.


Jumyeong reveals Gs identity on public broadcast a few days later and assumes he will be finished quickly. Angry at Jumyeongs broadcast, G kills Detective Song in SoSos bedroom. He even creates a situation so that Jumyeong will be the one to find him. This time too, the signature is chaotic. It was just a murder done out of anger.


When Jumyeong discovers Detective Songs body, G kills again. This time Lee Bin, who worked in the same office as Jumyeong, was his target. This time he left his exact signature as if he was making fun of Jumyeong.


It was only unpleasant for Jumyeong when G killed people that he thought belonged to him. Jumyeong sets a trap since the unpleasantness wasnt great enough to cloud his composure. He recalls Jinseops profile and realizes what he missed


5. End

G walks into Jumyeongs trap. Jumyeong already knew who he was. G skillfully tries to kill Jumyeong but Jumyeong is able to deftly deceive him. In the end, Jumyeong is the winner. Jumyeong restrains his movements just as G did to his victims. And when Jumyeong starts a live broadcast about catching the criminal, the police arrive. After arresting G and turning off the live, Detective Park then arrests Jumyeong on charges of leaking secrets of the investigation and concealing a criminal.


Jumyeong had already prepared for this through Taeho since he knew Detective Park would be angry with him over Detective Songs death. In an instant, Detective Park became the persecutor of a BJ who caught a criminal instead of the police. Thus, Jumyeong is released quickly.


After being released, Jumyeong heads to Jinseops lab. Jumyeong talks to Jinseop about G as usual. The stories were about Detective Koo and Jumyeong learns the truth. Jumyeong and Jinseop assumed they had been watching Gs crimes from the side.


After talking about the criminal, Jinseop asks Jumyeong a question when he is leaving his lab.

He asks if his desires have changed now. Jumyeong answers. I found something interesting when I became a hero to people. Thats my next goal. Making people move the way I want them to. No matter what lies I tell. The story ends as Jumyeong looks back at Jinseop with a bright smile.

