The Correlation Between an Esper and a Guide





Title : The Correlation Between an Esper and a Guide / Main Story 52 Chapters

Author : Kim Dora

Genre : ModernBL

Main Story : Chapters 1~52

Supplementary Story : None

100 won per chapters

Free Chapters : Chapters 1-3 Free

Age : 19+



Keywords: #Near Future Fantasy, #Guideverse, #one-sided love, #Beautiful Female Character, #Junior Character, #B-Level Guide Character, #Straight Character, #Character who curses when angry, #Character with a bad sense of direction, #Handsome Men, #Strong Men, #S-Class Esper Character, #Handsome Face, #Regret, #Rude Character, #trauma







Novel Introduction


You what were you thinking?

“… are you angry?

You, ha.


I got up from my seat and managed to contain my anger. While washing my face, I covered my mouth as if I was screaming. Eventually, I raised my head and looked at Aiden with fierce eyes. I felt a bit guilty as the others eyes looked down and filled with tears, but eventually exploded.


The Haengseong Group tried to kill you! But you made such a proposal?! Without telling me?!



Aiden called me with a trembling voice, but I couldnt calm my anger. He made such an offer in front of the Haengseong Group that came to kill him. It was obvious what would have happened if they hadnt accepted. Death. What else is there? You! Aiden you.


You swore you wouldnt die in front of me.


In the end, I expressed my fear in a trembling voice. I knelt down in front of Aiden and met him at eye level. I held his hand and pressed my head against it. A cold hand laid across my head. Then, the gentle hand moved slowly to caress my face.


You promised. Aiden.

Im sorry.

Dont scare me.


I buried my face deeper into his hand. Please I began to mumble my pleas. When he heard me, Aiden lifted my face with his hand. He brought his face to mine. His dark green eyes and red lips gradually approached until they stopped right under my nose. He slowly opened his lips


Zenon I wont die. Not as long as youre alive. Never.






Aiden Current age 21, he became a Guide at the age of 20, and at the end of his 20th year (December), he became a Guide for Zenon, who had collapsed. When he was 18, he was there when the associate who caused Zenons trauma went on a rampage. He developed a crush on Zenon, who saved him from the rampage. Whenever he has to guide other Espers, it puts him in a bad mood. He is always cold-hearted. He only wants attention from Zenon. Since he manifested as a Guide long after the average manifestation age (around 15 years old), he became the subject of research at the Integrated Research Institute and was a Guide scheduled for disposal.

Appearance Curly red hair, green eyes, pale skin, and a slim yet sturdy body. 186cm (and still growing). He was popular from a young age because of his beautiful appearance, but his personality drove people away. Even though he manifested late, people criticize him because he is B-Class and tell him all you have to show is a pretty face.


Zenon Currently 27 years old, manifested a wind skill at 14 years old, has anxiety after seeing his partner Roman lose control in front of his eyes. He loses hope when he realizes hes been transformed into a deficient. Then, he meets his perfect guide Aiden. Even though Aiden, the guide who blatantly shows his feelings, is a burden, he thinks the problem is his weak face.

Appearance Black hair, black eyes, and thick lips. A solid figure from regular exercise and training. 181cm. He curses when angry. Maybe because he was usually with handsome or big guys, but he never received a confession.


Key Figures

Grey The first generation Esper who exposed the biological experiments performed by the District Federation in the past. Natural ice powers.

Derek First generation Guide, Greys Guide. He learned from his mothers research note that the District Federation was conducting biological experiments. He helped expose the District Federation along with Grey.

Roman Zenons partner who died 3 years ago, manifested Earth powers at 15 years old, became a Deficient at 22 years old. He was living with Nathan, but they didnt get along well. He received Guiding from Nathan only when he needed it, died at 25 from a loss of control.

Nathan the Guide of Roman who committed suicide 3 years ago, manifested as a Guide at 16 years old. Designated as a Perfect Guide at 23 years old. There was a different Esper that he liked before becoming a Perfect Guide.

Haengseong Group A group sent to kill Aiden with orders given by the Integrated Research Institute.

Isis Researcher at the Integrated Research Institute. Research worker in charge of Zenon and Aiden. However, there is something suspicious about her being a mere researcher.







Zenon heard he would become a deficient on the same day he had nightmares about the day his ex-partner Roman lost control.

A Guide Center researcher sends Zenon to the Integrated Research Institute. 

There he meets the researcher Isis, who helps him find his Perfect Guide who can guide him away from the edge of his own loss of control.

Isis gives Zenon and Aiden the conditions that they must live together and come when they are summoned, and so the two live together. 

Zenon draws a line between him and Aiden, thinking he might lose control the same way Roman did. After being summoned, the two head to the lab and meet Grey and Derek on the way. 

They ask Grey a lot of questions and find out that they arent ordinary people. 

Aiden learns that Zenon was with Roman on the day he lost control and promises that he wont die the same way his partner did. 

Zenon realized that his feelings for Aiden had changed since then. 

He was afraid of losing control like Roman, so he tried to keep Aiden at a distance and kill his own feelings for him. 

However, Aiden hugs him while he tries to push him away and confesses his own feelings, providing a small relief.



He was relieved by Aiden for a while. 

Zenon sends assistance to Zone 3 due to the invasion of the Haengseong Group. 

He realizes that the Haengseong Groups target is himself, but he falls into their trap and ultimately is forced to use more power than usual. 

After confirming that the Haengseong Group disappeared Zenon returns to Aidens house. Finding that the Haengseong Group arrived at Aidens house, he saves Aiden. Zenon, who used his ability to its limit, takes Aiden to the Guide Center. 

The next day, Zenon and Aiden are summoned by Isis and head to the lab. 

After a simple conversation with Isis at the lab, it was suspected that she was the one who leaked the information of their whereabouts as she did not mention the house until he left. 

At the house they moved to, Zenon calls Grey and learns a few things while talking to him. 

Grey and Derek are the first generation Esper and Guide and are working together with the District Federation. 

He also learns that he and Aiden are important research subjects. 

He is able to search for information about them through the hints given by Grey. 

However, nothing comes from the information and Zenon has to ask Fernan, a stalker who was obsessed with him, for help. Fernan refuses at first because of the danger, but eventually says he will grant them two wishes. 

Fernan finds out that the first generation were created by transplanting the hearts of those from the Haengseong Group, and that Grey and Derek were the ones who exposed the District Federations experiments. 

Then, Zenon asks Fernan to find out how the two of them were made and also about Roman and Nathan. 

Fernan accepts the request even though he is angry and then hands over a note. It said that if he came over often, it would be suspicious, so it would be better to give him a signal and meet him at the address on the note. Back at home, Zenon and Aiden try to call Grey, but he doesnt show up. 

The Haengseong Group appears in front of Zenon and Aiden back home, and Aiden offers them a deal. 

Aiden says he wants to become an informant for the Haengseong Group and asks for information on how to remove the Central City shield and the head of the District Federation. 

By exchanging information, Aiden, Zenon, and the Haengseong Group form a partnership.




Zenon and Aiden, whose house has been ruined, visit Isiss lab and demand that she let them live in a dormitory until shelter is arranged. 

Unfortunately, Isis didnt give them a hologram computer, and Zenon and Aiden, who lost contact with Fernan, go to the address on the note he wrote for them. 

District 8, the civilian area. They walk through an area full of traffickers and into the deepest, darkest pub. 

He gives the note to a man with a scar on his forehead and they follow him down to the basement of the bar. 

In the basement is an old hologram computer. 

The man tells them to use it. As soon as they send a message to Fernan, he appears on screen and asks why he is being contacted. 

Briefly stating the circumstances, he tells them some of the information he has gathered so far. 

The discarded second generation was made from genetic copying, and now they are being made through genetic modification. 

Of course, they are using the blood of the first generation. 

Additionally, he says he found a research file while searching for information on Roman and Nathan. 

He copied the file found to the hologram, told him to look at it later, and tried to disconnect, but Zenon stopped him. 

Zenon asks him if he can track self-destruction messages, but Fernan says hes never done it before. 

He asks Fernan to keep an eye on the file of Isis at the Integrated Research Institute, and if a self-destruct message comes out to contact him right away. 

Fernan was angry but agreed to help after he was told that if a self-destruct message was sent, he only needed to send a message that said now. After that, they disconnected and checked the file that Fernan sent. 

The title of the file is The Correlation between an Esper and a Guide, and they open it to check the contents. 

The file contains research on how Deficient Espers and Perfects Guides influence each other based on how they feel about each other, and from what theyve studied they realize that Nathan and Roman deliberately leaked information to the Haengseong Group to make them attack Nathan. 

The study is still in progress and lists Zenon and Aiden as the final two subjects. Zenon checks the researchers name. 

Isis. At the sight of the familiar name, Zenon decides to kill Isis.



Just as he is looking for a way to attack Isis, he is contacted by Fernan. 

Now, its the message he had been waiting for to confront the Haengseong Group.

 Zenon receives a call from Fernan and he whispers quietly, Its true that Isis sent the message, but lets say you dont understand the location, and Isiss location is the head office of the District Federation

He hangs up after saying those words. Then, they visit the Haengseong Group and head towards the District Federation, where Isis would be. 

They arrive at the District Federation, but she isnt inside the head office. 

Looking at her daily life, she is usually in the Integrated Research Institution, so they head to the fourth-floor laboratory. 

When they open the door and go in they find Isis. 

When they ask Isis if she leaked information, she says yes. I didnt think you would find out who I am! says Isis with a laugh. 

Then Zenon asks, Why do you keep trying to kill my Guide, Aiden? Isis tells him she has been working on a study that could create a fourth generation through Aiden and Zenon. 

Zenon and the Haengseong Group launch an attack on her. 

The first generation appeared and fought with her but thanks to the spiritual abilities of the Haengseong Group, they managed to win against them. 

Isis sees Aiden and tries to kill him with a word of apology, and Zenon finally loses control. 

Aiden approaches Zenon and tries to stop his rampage, but Zenon doesnt even recognize him. Zenon is ordered to kill the peacekeeper Grey in his rampage, but Grey asks him why and presses a button on Isiss table. 

Seeing him, Isis screams, No! Grey responds that this is what he lived for and looked at Isis and the Haengseong as he says he released the shield. 

Just as Isis tries to press another button, the Haengseong Group kills her. Grey takes a syringe from her body and hands it to Aiden. 

A stabilizer, is all he says before he leaves, and Aiden is left alone to inject the tranquilizer into Zenon. 

Zenon loses consciousness due to the stabilizer and doesnt wake for a long time. 

As Zenon barely comes back to consciousness in Aidens arms, the two leave the Integrated Research Institute together.



Name : Kim Dora

Hello, Im Kim Dora.
