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<Aurora Bank Customer Service Center> Synopsis










#Romance  #Love Triangle #Spiritual Medium #Romantic Comedy #Ghosts


A ghost market. Good Triumphing over evil, refreshing, love triangle, twist ending. Surprising twist. Romantic comedy, lots of funny points. Supporting life. Comforting episodes. Mystery. Romance flavor.


110 Chapters, complete


All Ages




Name : 차은아 (Cha Eunah)

Cha Eunah, an author who writes mysteries mixed with sweet romance.



1. Han Yeonsu

Congratulations. Youve passed the document screening for Aurora Bank Seoul Branch. The final interview is today at 4pm. Please meet in the seminar room on the basement floor of the bank.


Yeonsu is puzzled by the unexpected call telling her she passed.

She never thought she would receive such good news; she had no expectations when she put in an application for a job at a well-known foreign bank.

This was nothing short of a miracle for her. She had almost lost hope after a long career as a jobseeker since graduating university.

Plus, she got accepted right away after her interview, and somehow ended up working in VVIP Customer Service the very next day!

Actually, there was a special department in Aurora Bank, which provided services for the dead. 

The reason why Yeonsu had been accepted at this bank was for her special ability.

Han Yeonsu sees ghosts during her everyday life. She had always been disadvantaged in her life because of this ability. So, she had always hidden her cursed ability and suffered in silence. But now, thanks to the same ability, her long career as a jobseeker was finally over.

While working at the bank, she learned more about her ability to see ghosts as well as a variety of other spiritual skills she had been unaware of before and became the ace employee of the customer service center.



2. Jang Jihoon

Han Yeonsus tsundere love interest. A mysterious being.

Having lived for a long time hung up on his first love, he is a pure character who doesnt look at women outside of Yeonsu.

He knows all Yeonsus secrets but doesnt tell her that he knows. He only shows a cold and unfriendly appearance towards Yeonsu, but in reality, he is always guarding and protecting her without her knowing.

He is rather disappointed because Yeonsu thinks he is emotionally distant.

It is more dangerous than expected to help resolve complaints from ghosts who are VVIPs, and sometimes Yeonsu finds herself in a crisis. Thanks to his training, Jihoon always shows up with perfect timing to save her.

Jang Jihoon is a determined character full of pure love who has no regard for his own safety when it comes to protecting his long-time crush Yeonsu from the evil energy that always exists around her.


3. Hwang Inho

Owner of a coffee shop in Han Yeonsus neighborhood. While job searching, Yeonsu works part time at his shop to make a living, and he begins to pay attention to her. Later, when he tries to express his feelings, Yeonsu gets a job at a bank and quits his coffee shop after a year of working there.

However, he doesnt give up on Yeonsu. He makes her breakfast in the mornings, goes to restaurants with her, and watches over her and helps her out when she has a hard time.

He is a man who slowly tickles at Yeonsus heart with his warm love like the spring sunshine.

But he had a secret: This man was an outsourced worker at Aurora Banks Customer Service Center.

He didnt have the ability to see ghosts but had an uncanny ability to fight off those possessing humans. Thus, he often dealt with difficult cases at the Customer Service Center.

The two, who are unaware of each others jobs, come face to face on a mission and are surprised to see each other. 


4. Yoo Haejung

She wears the title of Aurora Banks Deputy Director, but in reality, she secretly is the CEO.

She and Jihoon are tangled together through work, but there is a strange energy between the two.

Yoo Haejung is actually a ghost who suffered an unfair death, but instead of causing damage to humans she relieves the resentment of others who died unjustly and takes revenge instead. 

She is aware of Yeonsus hidden abilities in advance and tries to train Yeonsu as her successor.

However, Jihoon is anxious about Yeonsus involvement in the dangers that the Customer Service Team faces and tries to change Haejungs mind at any cost.

Despite Jihoons interference, who sincerely wants Yeonsu to live a safe and ordinary life, Haejung only brings Yeonsu more and more deeply into the Aurora Customer Service Centers work.





Short Introduction

Aurora Bank has special guests. They sometimes approach with a gruesome appearance and sometimes as unscathed beings. I started this job to make a living, but now Im risking my life. Will I be okay like this?


Beginning: Professional jobseeker Han Yeonsu. She is an ordinary woman in her mid-twenties who leads a normal life other than the fact that she doesnt have a job. One day, when her life was becoming increasingly difficult and she was facing severe limitations in covering her living expenses with a mere part-time job at a coffee shop, she receives an unexpected phone call. It was a call telling her she passed the application screening for a job at a foreign bank that she had applied to a while back without much hope.

When she went to the bank after being notified of an interview, she was suddenly notified of her acceptance without an interview and immediately put to work with no training.

It was all a bit unbelievable and confusing, but she decided to accept it without questioning it because she was lucky to be employed at such a large company.

However, Yeonsu had a secret. She could see ghosts. She didnt want to reveal this secret to anyone as her abilities had caused her to suffer in her life.

However, the moment Yeonsu hears the reason for her immediate acceptance from her interview, she is startled. Her interviewer was actually a ghost. Therefore, the interviewer couldnt be seen by just anyone, and she passed because of her ability to recognize him.


Congratulations on passing, Han Yeonsu! Starting today, you will join Aurora Banks Customer Service Team. Officially, it is based on performing the same tasks as the banks general staff, but in reality, you will be performing those same banking services for the deceased. The details of your work are strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to anyone.


After hearing the interviewers explanation, she is shocked and baffled. Banking for the dead!


Compensation is as follows. 5 days a week you will come in at 8am and leave at 5pm. Starting salary is 5 million won per month and pay raises and bonuses can be added. Four major insurances are included. Two weeks of paid vacation per year. Two weeks of paid sick leave is also available. Fixed work time is 40 hours per week, if you work more than 40 hours overtime pay is calculated as five times the base pay.


However, she accepted the job without a second thought because of the unconventional job conditions that seemed almost too good to be true.



Middle: Yeonsu becomes somewhat adjusted to the secret services offered by the bank.

The deceased, who are VVIP customers of the bank, consult with her on banking services that suit their preferences or receiving expiration products.

She explains the banks intallment savings services and various funds or asks the deceased how they would like to receive the installment savings expiration products.

The deceased make deposits in the form of good deeds or virtues rather than money, and the products can be used at a specific time designated by the deceased after deposit.

Expiration products can be received in various forms, such as meetings for beings who have lingering feelings in this world, resolving resentments, and notifying those left behind in the world of future lottery numbers or other such good luck.

Han Yeonsu works to help customers receive their products safely and accurately.


Climax: A woman runs a snack bar in a haunted area.

She comes to the bank when her savings account matures. The maturity product she chose was a one-hour interview ticket.

Unexpectedly, the woman asks for a face-to-face meeting with a woman upstairs in the apartment building where Yeonsu lives. She already had an unpleasant relationship with her. She feels uncomfortable and embarrassed because she has to deal with the customers complaints.

While working as a librarian, a man was killed by a criminal and sent to the afterlife. He wished to live his second life in the underworld by manufacturing perfumes, as his parents did, and reunite with a woman he had a long-time crush on.

His crush is a famous romcom actress.

Actually, he had a chance to confess to her, but the confession failed due to the jealous interference of another person. Thus, the woman he loved lived without knowing because of a sad misunderstanding. Moreover, the woman who interfered was the romcom actresss best friend. However, truthfully, she was the primary leader in making her an outcast under the guise of a close friendship. Due to this wicked woman spreading rumors behind her back, the mans crush had to endure bullying throughout high school.

In the end, he is able to take revenge for the actress who was blinded by her friends acting skills. The misunderstanding between the perfume shop owner and actress is resolved. 

I was thinking about making a perfume to erase bad memories, but I think this is better. Its a perfume that reminds the wearer of happy memories. Spray it whenever you need a good memory. Then, Ill see you sometime.


After receiving the gift from the CEO of the perfume company, the two go their separate ways.


Aurora Bank Customer Service Team consists of 12 units and 120 episodes, and in the course of each episode Yeonsu visits people to directly intervene in their human history and joyfully takes revenge for those who were killed unfairly.

Although she could only see ghosts at first, Yeonsu slowly unlocks various abilities such as the ability to summon humans to the underworld and read memories from a ghosts soul in under 0.00001 seconds.

Eventually, the evil spirit that carries the powers inside her unexpectedly appears (in the way that it pushes her soul away and dominates her body) when she is in a crisis and saves her from the critical situation.

Yeonsu often encounters the deceased Jang Jihoon in the underworld while he is performing his duties. Together, the two of them seek revenge for VVIPs who died unjustly.

Meanwhile, Hwang Inho, who runs a coffee shop in Yeonsus neighborhood, is shaken by his deep feelings for Yeonsu.

Yeonsu is conflicted between Hwang Inho, who is affectionate and caring, and Jang Jihoon, who appears at each critical moment to save her before disappearing coldly, and this love triangle is present throughout each episode.



End: In the end, from episode 140 to 150, Yeonsu makes up her mind and learns Jang Jihoons secret, that he gave up his life for her in order to protect her. In the meantime, Yeonsu learns of Jihoons pure love and that he has been trying to protect her and her special abilities from Aurora Bank and the underworld, and eventually gets a happy ending.






