Certain and Electrifying





Certain and Electrifying [Novel Introduction]


Jung Yeoeun, who broke up with her boyfriend because of her friend’s interference.

Knowing that it was a malicious plan between the two of them to get rid of her, she was overwhelmed by a sense of betrayal.

Then, there was a man who stretched out his hand like a savior.


“What should I do.”


“I have to get rid of the obstacles in front of me so I can feel better.”

Yeoeun looked up at the sudden voice.

Looking up at the tall height, her high heels felt useless.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m wondering if I should make a mess or not.”

“Huh? A mess?”

“In me, you have a lover.”


Director Cha Junwon, a man with a blunt but kind way of speaking.

Did he really say that he’d join in her revenge, that he’d willingly be her lover?

In a moment of suspicion mixed with jealousy,

Yeoeun plans a satisfying revenge with the help of Junwon.





1. Jung Yeoeun (24, Junwon’s Secretary)

A society rookie who has deep wounds but doesn’t show them easily and just wants to be a little happier now.

After ending her life in Seoul and wanting to escape the shadow of her stepmother and stepbrother, she moved to Daejeon and got a job at a poor printing job without looking at the conditions, becoming Cha Junwon’s secretary.

She tries her best to work according to the standard of the company and can communicate with foreign buyers with no problems through self-taught English.

During her lonely life abroad, she fell in love with a college senior named Dohyun. However, she was betrayed by Dohyun and her best friend and now feels frustrated.

After knowing the bitterness of life so early on, she dreams of true happiness.

To that end, she dreams of a revenge that has never been done in her lifetime. With Cha Junwon, a strong supporter.



2. Cha Junwon (31, Executive Director)

One among the talents that large corporations are interested in.

After graduating from a prestigious university in England, he decided to take residence in a printing office on the verge of collapse as soon as he returned to Korea.

His reason for rejecting large corporations is simple. He thought it would be interesting to raise a company on the verge of bankruptcy. Only then would he be able to focus on his work without suffering from his past wounds.

With his extraordinary charisma and impeccable work skills, he shut down anyone who looked down on him and put all his efforts into stabilizing a company on the brink of collapse.

If there was one trivial thing he did for fun, it was observing his only secretary.

He found it amazing that she graduated from a department that had nothing to do with English but could communicate in English so easily, and she was a far better worker than anyone else working for such a low wage.

When he finds out Yeoeun suffers from the same wound as him, he plans a proxy revenge to make up for the one he could never achieve.



3. Yoon Jiae (24, write “friend” but read it as “fox”)

Not a friend but a fox who has known Yeoeun for over 10 years.

She feels inferior to Yeoeun even knowing the torture she suffered at the hands of her stepmother after her biological mother passed away.

Her sympathy is brief, and she becomes jealous of Yeoeun who becomes entangled with extraordinarily handsome men.

She happened to look at Dohyun’s picture and he caught her eye. In a situation where he was the man she was dating.

She asks for an introduction and the three of them meet, and she starts openly criticizing Yeoeun in front of her and doing all sorts of sly things to Dohyun. She never dreamed that Yeoeun would come back like a boomerang.



4. Lee Dohyun (26, Yeoeun’s ex-boyfriend)

Yeoeun’s senior in college. After he hears Yeoeun is living alone in Daejeon, he works in sweet guy mode. However, after gaining Yeoeun’s heart he neglected to contact her, and eventually he breaks up with her after being fascinated by Jiae.



5. Gi Yongseok (31, Junwon’s former colleague)

He was best friends with Junwon until he stole Junwon’s other colleague and only lover Jeongin.

Even though they were in a foreign country, he was on par with Junwon in terms of ability and became fond of Jeongin, a Korean who joined the company as a new employee.

Jeongin took care of him so that he wouldn’t get homesick, but it was harder to win Jeongin’s heart than to win a star in the sky.

After Jeongin was deployed to Junwon’s team, it became harder to meet and eventually he heard that the two of them were dating. And then when he saw Junwon was on the promotion list and he wasn’t, he was overwhelmed with a sense of defeat. Love was more important than friendship, so when he saw an opportunity, he interfered with the two in a dirty way. In the end, he succeeded in stealing Jeongin away.


6. Han Jeongin (26, Junwon’s ex-lover)

Joined the company where Junwon and Yongseok were working as interns after going to London on working holiday. When she struggled with English, Junwon helped her bluntly, and she found out through his actions that he was deep hearted even if he didn’t seem friendly. She was more attracted to Junwon, who took care of her indifferently, than Yongseok, who expressed his heart to her, and confessed to Junwon.

Jeongin corrected Junwon’s pronunciation, as he was not good at Korean, and Junwon helped with Jeongin’s Korean and slowly fell in love. However, Yongseok tells her that Junwon is acting strange, and she becomes confused when she hears him talking badly about her. Even with Junwon’s explanation, she doesn’t believe him and instead turns to Yongseok.



7. Kang Nakyeong (51, Yeoeun’s stepmother)

When Yeoeun was 10 years old, she married her father and brought her middle-school-aged son. She tried to love Yeoeun more than her own son, but her arms were bent as Yeoeun refused to follow her.

The stress of hearing the word stepmother constantly around her was enormous, and eventually she took out her anger on Yeoeun. Whenever Yeoeun’s father was away for a few days on a business trip, she would neglect Yeoeun, and sometimes she would slap her as a form of discipline.

One day before her husband leaves on an overseas trip, she finds a note from Yeoeun in his bag that says “my stepmother hates me” and punishes her with bad food.

Later, she plans to marry Yeoeun off to fulfill her husband’s wishes as his body is deteriorating. 


8. Jung Yoonbeom (30, Yeoeun’s stepbrother)

Nakyeong’s real son. His surname used to be Cho, but he changed it to Jung after Yeoeun’s father.

He doesn’t think of Yeoeun as his real sister, but since they grew up together, he thinks of her more specially than others. When he learned that Yeoeun was teased for living with her stepmother, he scolded the children who teased her harshly. However, when Nakyeong heard about it, her anger was unintentionally directed at Yeoeun.

Even if he tried to correct the facts, he couldn’t stand up to his mother and decided not to interfere with Yeoeun’s affairs anymore. He thought it would be better for Yeoeun if he didn’t come forward. However, compassion for Yeoeun is deeply engraved in his heart.


A man and a woman who are united in revenge. Coincidentally, they have in common that they both broke up with a lover due to a friend’s meddling. Junwon readily holds out his hand to Yeoeun, who dreams of revenge. Rather than being selfish, he wanted to live a vicarious revenge through her. That was all.

Through Yeoeun’s revenge scenario, he only feels satisfied when he takes away the parts of Jiae and Dohyun’s relationship one by one. Yeoeun is sincerely grateful to Junwon for playing the part of her boyfriend.


On the day they toasted to celebrate a successful revenge, Junwon suddenly said he would get paid by Yeoeun. Junwon smiled bitterly while Yeoeun looked at him as if he were absurd.

“If the same thing happens to me, then you have to be my girlfriend.”

With that single sentence, Yeoeun realized that Junwon held the same pain as her. The two, whose relationship has become more intimate than that of a boss and his secretary, work well together as a fantastic combination.


One day when Junwon and Yeoeun travel to Seoul for work, they run into her stepbrother Yoonbeom. Yeoeun never knew that Yoonbeom had stood up for her, she only thought he hated her. Not wanting her family history to be revealed, she tries to leave, but Yoonbeom stops her by grabbing her wrist. Then, Junwon immediately takes his hand off and stops him.

Yoonbeom introduces himself as Yeoeun’s brother, but Junwon is suspicious as Yeoeun doesn’t say a word. After asking her to send a message saying she is doing well, Yoonbeom leaves, and Yeoeun confesses her family affairs to Junwon.

Junwon feels a sense of kinship with Yeoeun as not only are their relationship problems the same, but their family problems are too. He didn’t have a happy childhood either. After losing his father, he had to stay in England with his rich stepfather. He grew up dreaming of success and independence while enduring racism from his peers and coercive discipline from his stepfather. Having become completely economically independent, he had basically lost all contact with his mother and stepfather.


At first it was just sympathy. He wanted to be nicer to Yeoeun, who seemed to have a lot in common with him, and he was worried about her being neglected by her family. He never thought that the feeling would develop into love.

Even when Yeoeun confessed to him, he thought that what he felt was only pity. Perhaps he was conscious of the feeling of love deep in the depths of his heart, but he refused to see it. He wasn’t ready to love yet. He knew he would be hurt and didn’t have the courage to start.


After Jeongin is dispatched to Korea and Junwon meets her, Yeoeun notices the two have similar speech patterns and realizes she is the one he wanted to get revenge on. However, Junwon’s gaze seemed to permeate longing rather than anger, and she realized he didn’t actually want revenge. It seemed like he was just confused by his memories. She decides to give up on Junwon, thinking there was no room for her to intervene.


Even after returning to a strictly business relationship, she only felt unhappiness. Her healthy father was suddenly diagnosed with cancer. The fact that he didn’t drink or smoke made it harder for her to believe. She tries to go to Seoul right away, but her stepmother prevents her from going, saying he is not in very critical condition. Then she said, “If you want to be a good daughter, get married. Your father wants to hold your hand and walk you down the aisle. I’ll look into your marriage, so don’t worry about it.”

Yeoeun defies her stepmother’s orders and immediately goes to her parents’ house.

As soon as she sees her father who is about to undergo surgery, she sheds tears. Although she may have not taken good care of her father because she was busy at work, she volunteers to now as they are still blood.

Even so, her stepmother tries to call a caregiver, but Yeoeun affirms that she is the only blood relative of her father, and asks her stepmother to reaffirm the details or her marriage.  


She immediately submits her resignation, but it is differed. President Seo Hyunoh says “As soon as your father is well, come back down”. However, Yeoeun firmly conveys her resolve to stay in Seoul as there is no reason for her to return to Daejeon.

Junwon, who followed Yeoeun, asks if she will return. But Yeoeun told him that regardless of her father’s health, she was about to get married. 

Only then does Junwon finally feel like the sky is collapsing. Even when he asked why she was getting married at that age, her answer was consistent. If he let her go like this, he thought he would never see her again, so he grabs onto her.

Yeoeun asks Junwon to tell her what it means for him to hold onto her. As soon as he tries to answer, Jeongin appears and approaches Junwon in a friendly manner.

Junwon shakes off Jeongin’s hand and clearly conveys his thoughts to Yeoeun.

“Jung Yeoeun… I mean I can’t let you go. What I’m trying to say is… I love you.”

Junwon finally realized that letting go of Yeoeun would bring him greater pain than being hurt by love.


Yeoeun, who goes back to Seoul with his reassurance, starts a long-distance relationship with Junwon. After the surgery, her father’s biopsy reveals that he has stage 2 colorectal cancer, and he immediately undergoes treatment with Yeoeun by his side. At this time, she informs her family of her boyfriend’s existence, but her stepmother is skeptical.

She thinks Yeoeun is lying because she doesn’t like the man her stepmother introduced, so she secretly inquires about a proposal. When Yoonbeom noticed his mother’s plan, he remembered the name of Yeoeun’s company and calls her directly. Yeoeun is finally able to resolve her misunderstanding and realizes that there has been someone silently protecting her since she was young.


She visits her parents for permission to get married, but seeing who Yeoeun plans to marry, her stepmother insists on getting permission from Junwon’s parents first.

Junwon calls his mother on the spot for the first time in a long time. 

His mother, who couldn’t hold Junwon to her heart’s content because of her husband controlling the strings, agrees to his marriage, saying, “Your happiness comes first.” Yoonbeom tells his mother, who is lost for words, to stop fighting, and she agrees. Junwon, who didn’t know the meaning of ‘brother-in-law’ before, shakes hands with Yoonbeom.


Meanwhile, Yeoeun’s father endured the sixth round of anti-cancer drugs with the determination to walk his daughter down the aisle, and quickly regains his health.

The newlyweds originally planned to get a house in Seoul, but one month before the wedding, Junwon took over the Cheongmyeong Printing Office from President Seo Hyunoh.

Of course, he had looked into large companies now that he would be raising a family but decided he would have no issue running the company as he easily achieved 6 billion won in annual sales and increased the number of employees. And Yeoeun hoped that Junwon would make such a choice. So, the newlyweds decided to live in Daejeon.


A few days before the wedding, Yeoeun’s stepmother asked her if there was anything else to prepare. As she was about to say there was nothing, her mother asked, “Why do you always look at me like that?” Yeoeun sighed and answered softly.

How could a ten-year-old child have a good impression of an old lady who suddenly told her to call her ‘mom’? She was only ten years old. If she had comforted her more she would have followed her well.

She didn’t know if her relationship with her stepmother would be restored. Unlike in the past, when she thought she was alone, now she had a strong husband who gave her the power to overcome the pain and stand up tall.



Name: 서아랑 (Seo Arang)


Published Works:

Strange Business with the CEO

An Unkind Man

Protect Me, Oppa

Close Relationship with a Judge

Lustful Sheep
