Beast Master


Beast Master


◎ Characters


-Main Character


Yeon Jinseo (20)

A tough young exorcist who has done everything to try and pay back her debts.

A young exorcist with great abilities born to a group of exorcists. She was born with a cheerful, bright, and sly personality. There is nothing she won’t do to pay off her family’s debts, and as a result she has become stubborn. A girl who is fearful of being betrayed by others and of becoming soft-hearted.

She tries to kill the beast of Jinnyeong Mountain but instead falls in love with his kind and good nature.



Son of the Dragon Emperor, the Crown Prince of Heaven.

Son of the Heavenly Emperor Docheon and an excellent general. Although he was originally the prince of Heaven, he lost his father and was expelled from Heaven in a rebellion by his close friend King Haesoo. At that time, he was cursed through Haesoo’s scheme and stigmatized as the beast of Jinnyeong Mountain. He has no choice but to take Jinseo as his wife, but eventually falls in love with her bright and energetic personality.


Haesoo (Earth Name: Yungyeom)

Current King of the Gods, old friend and foe of Hyunwol, and Jinseo’s former client.

The Red King who ruled over the eastern part of the Heavens. He was Hyunwol’s friend but felt an inferiority complex toward him. He is Hyunwol’s enemy who killed his father and cursed him. He is jealous of Jinseo’s feelings for Hyunwol and feels inferior to him again, so he tries to kill Hyunwol and take Jinseo for himself.


The Raven Monster, Heukyoung.

A character who looks for the Mirror of Yanghwa, a treasure of the gods, in order to find the lost half human daughter. The mirror was rumored to be in the human world, so he took the goblin house hostage and found it. He is caught by Jinseo, gets in big trouble, and becomes her servant. The truth is that he can’t forget his old human wife and still misses her and is actually a monster with deep affection. Through living a long life of wandering, he has learned a lot of miscellaneous information about the heavenly lineage.


Joo Rang

A serpent monster that is Hyunwol’s faithful servant. Very considerate of Jinseo and has a warm personality.


Yoo Rang

A renowned mountain god in the lineage that rules over Jinnyeong Mountain. Hides Hyunwol from the eyes of the heavenly world. 


God of the Wind, Wiso

A giraffe god who rules the wind and chooses the wise king. Hyunwol’s friend and loyal servant.



A god who is the loyal servant of Haesu.


Huiseo (17)

Jinseo’s younger brother. Unlike Jinseo, he doesn’t have a powerful spirit, but he has an intelligent mind.


Ryuhwa (18)

Adopted daughter of the Inspector General. She has a severe stutter due to being despised by her family because of her mother’s lowly rank. As Heukyoung’s granddaughter, she has eyes that can perceive the basis of black magic. She fell in love with Huiseo after meeting him by chance.



◎ Summary



Jinseo, a follower of Beobryunseo, climbs Jinnyeong Mountain to become the bride of a monster called the Beast of Jinnyeong Mountain. There, Hyunwol saves her from being beaten to death by a goblin. Then, Hyunwol tells Jinseo that he is the Beast of Jinnyeong Mountain.


“I don’t want a bride.”

Truthfully, Hyunwol was the prince of Heaven, but was expelled from his kingdom through the rebellion of his friend Haesu and cursed by the heavenly god the Black Dragon. He needs a bride to break the curse, but after watching all of his previous brides be swept away and killed by his curse, he decided not to bring in another.


“I have to have a wedding with Hyunwol.”

Jinseo had to become his bride. It was all part of her plan as a spy dispatched by the Beobryunseo to kill him. Jinseo is eventually able to become his bride through a bet.


While preparing for her wedding with Hyunwol, she looks for a way to get in touch with the Beobryunseo while avoiding the gaze of Hyunwol’s godmother, the mountain spirit Yoo Rang. Meanwhile, she is suddenly surrounded by Hyunwol’s curse after helping the goblins whose homes were taken over by Heukyoung. Fortunately, Jinseo is able to use her abilities to avoid Hyunwol’s curse. As a result, Jinseo gains the trust of both the mountain god Yoo Rang and Wiso. 


Huiseo doesn’t want his sister to sacrifice herself due to her own self-confidence, so he faces the Beobryunseo in order to try and get her back. On the way, he meets Suhoon, the loyal servant of Haesu.


While exchanging letters with the Beobryunseo and avoiding the eyes of the mountain god, Jinseo helps Hongyeon, who was in danger, through the wood will of the tiger goblin Doyoon. Jinseo and Hyunwol grow closer as they help the relationship between Hongryeon and Doyoon. Hyunwol gradually begins to feel affection for Jinseo, who is energetic and bright. Jinseo becomes confused between the kind Hyunwol and the Beobryunseo. After solving the problems between Doyoon and Hongryeon, they hold their wedding and spend the first night together.


Suhoon, who considered Jinseo a scapegoat for Haesu, and Yungyeom (Haesu), who is in love with Jinseo, leave to Jinnyeong Mountain to find Jinseo.



Jinseo, now married to Hyunwol, meets the eldest son of the county magistrate’s house, Woojin, through an introduction by Hongryeon. Woojin wants to meet his dead lover Gayeon’s spirit. Feeling sorry for him, Jinseo tries to help him but becomes possessed by Gayeon. Gayeon was killed by Woojin’s half-brother, Gyujin. Gayeon took over Jinseo’s body and tried to avenge herself against Gyujin but was stopped by Hyunwol. Jinseo reveals Gyujin’s sin, just as Gayeon wished. Gyujin is arrested and punished, and Gayeon is able to move on.


‘I love that child.’

Hyunwol realizes that he loves Jinseo after she is possessed.


When Hyunwol expresses his feelings to Jinseo, she becomes confused. Jinseo becomes distressed stuck between her duties to the Beobryunseo and her favourable impression of Hyunwol. In the meantime, Joo Rang loses the Chintamani Stone by accident. Jinseo goes to look for Joo Rang’s stone but ends up accidentally eating it. Hyunwol uses his power to save Jinseo.


‘I love Hyunwol.”

Jinseo realizes that she loves Hyunwol in the wake of the incident with the Chintamani Stone. Jinseo sends a letter to her teacher Hanjoon, expressing her feelings for Hyunwol and his kindness and stating that it would be wrong to kill him. However, while Hanjoon is away the letter ends up in the hands of Dongjin, who harbors a hatred for the Beast of Jinnyeong Mountain. Dongjin is angry over Jinseo’s betrayal.


Suhoon and Yungyeom (Haesu), who were chasing Jinseo, found out that Hyunwol was at Jinnyeong Mountain because of the incident involving Jinseo becoming possessed, and head to Jinnyeong Mountain to find him. After meeting Jinseo, Yungyeom (Haesu) tries to convince her to leave with him, but she refuses because she is in love with Hyunwol. Yungyeon (Haesu) then tries to hypnotize her and take her to heaven. Fortuntely, Heukyoung comes upon the scene and takes Jinseo to the Wolnyeongwon.


Jinseo takes care of Hyunwol and confesses her feelings to him. Hyunwol also confesses that he has been in love with Jinseo and the two confirm their feelings.


Suhoon secretly prepares to use Jinseo as a sacrifice to Haesu and lures her away. Realizing Suhoon’s intention, Haesu goes to stop him and meets Hyunwol, who came to save Jinseo. Haesu, who has a deep inferiority complex towards Hyunwol, is furious when he learns that Jinseo loves Hyunwol. Their current location is near Yang Hui’s grave, so Haesu, concerned about the gods’ intervention, decides to retreat. Haesu returns to heaven after declaring war on Hyunwol, promising to trample on everything he loves and take Jinseo away.



Jinseo is surprised to hear that her brother, Huiseo, may have had an accident. Jinseo travels down the mountain with Joo Rang to her parents’ house in Beobryunseo to search for her brother. In the last visit to Beobryunseo, she falls victim to Dongjin’s trap and loses consciousness. Truthfully, Dongjin was actually working together with Haesu. Dongjin contacts Suhoon and hands Jinseo over to him. As promised, Suhoon hands over the incantation that can catch Hyunwol in return and takes Jinseo to heaven.


When neither Jinseo nor Joo Rang return, Hyunwol becomes worried and ventures out to find them. Hyunwol encounters Ryuhwa on the road. With her position as the Inspector General’s daughter, Ryuhwa proposes that she can help him and accompanies Hyunwol. With her help Hyunwol arrives at the Beobryunseo, but is caught in Dongjin’s trap. Hyunwol is able to overcome Dongjin with his own strength and Ryuhwa’s ability to see incantations. Through Dongjin, he learns that Haesu kidnapped Jinseo and Huiseo. Ryuhwa has a crush on Huiseo and believes that her ability can help and begs Hyunwol to take her with him. Hyunwol then heads to the heavenly realm with Ryuhwa.


Hyunwol gathers forces to attack Haesu and trying to gather the greatest anti-Haesu force, Lord Seosuk. In order to take the upper hand from Hyunwol, Seosuk asks him to bring back the sheath of the falchion sword. Hyunwol accepts Seosuk’s request. Hyunwol infiltrates the Imperial Palace with the help of Ryuhwa’s ability.


In the meantime, another incantation aimed at Hyunwol is created in the Imperial Palace. Suhoon thinks Jinseo is a hindrance to Haesu and uses her as a sacrifice to get rid of her. In order to save her, Hyunwol alters the incantation. As the incantation bursts, the palace collapses, and Heukyoung, who had infiltrated the palace, escapes with Jinseo, Huiseo, and Joo Rang. In order to buy time, Hyunwol fights against Haesu and inflicts great damage, completely overpowering him before escaping. The heavenly realm becomes aware of the return of the Crown Prince.


The situation in Heaven fluctuates after it is revealed that Hyunwol overpowered Haesu. Hyunwol and Haesu both take time in the calm before the civil war to try and win over neutral forces. The most influential of the forces, Lord Socheon, demands that Hyunwol bring back the Falchion. The Falchion used to be known as a heavenly heirloom used for choosing the next emperor, but it was stolen and all that remains is its sheath. When Huiseo sees the sheath, he recalls a sword he had seen in the storage room of Gyeonghwa (Jinseo’s mother). Based on the testimony of Jinseo and Huiseo, it becomes known that Gyeonghwa has the Falchion but needs the Mirror of Yanghwa to unlock the storage room.


The rebels lack troops in comparison to Haesu, and the emergence of the Falchion could mean a reversal of the tides, so Hyunwol decides to find and hand over the Flachion himself. Jinseo and Hyunwol leave Huiseo, Ryuhwa, and Heukyoung at Wollyeongwon to find Doyoon, who can provide a clue to the Mirror of Yanghwa. Doyoon reveals that Gyeonghwa was a lady-in-waiting for Yanghwa and hid the mirror among the belongings of the deceased. Jinseo meets the spirit of Yanghwa through the relics of Gyeonghwa. Jinseo promises Yanghwa that she will pay the price when everything is over. Jinseo gains the Mirror of Yanghwa with Yanghwa’s help. Suddenly, Hyunwol’s curse is manifested again, but Jinseo manages to suppress it. Through the manifestation of Hyunwol’s curse, Ryuhwa is able to learn the location of each and every piece of the curse.

Ryuhwa tells Jinseo that the body of Hyunwol’s father, Docheon, is being used as the medium for the curse and is located in Changgang Cave. And if the medium isn’t destroyed, it will be difficult to break the curse.


Haesu believes it’s important to block Hyunwol before his power grows any further. He decides to purge Hyunwol’s uncle Heukgun in order to weaken the rebel forces. Wiso travels to the human world to warn Hyunwol that his uncle is in danger. Wiso also asks Hyunwol to take the lead in order to boost the rebel’s morale. While Hyunwol worries over his choice, Jinseo tells Wiso what she heard from Ryuhwa. Wiso hides the truth, fearing that Hyunwol will be shaken by the fact that the medium is Docheon’s body. Wiso asks Jinseo to find the Falchion and destroy the medium. Jinseo accepts. Hyunwol strongly opposes the danger, but immediately succumbs to Jinseo’s persuasion. He goes to heaven and prepares for war while Jinseo searches for the Falchion in the human world.



Jinseo uses the Mirror of Yanghwa to find the Falchion. However, since the Falchion was located inside a subspace called a time gap, more than a month has already passed. Jinseo hurriedly heads to Changgang Cave to destroy the medium of the curse.

Haesu is angry at the reversal of the tide due to Hyunwol’s participation. At first, Haesu’s power was extraordinary, but Hyunwol’s participation makes the opposition even more powerful. Haesu plans to use Hyunwol’s curse to put him in a corner. In order to use the curse, more sacrifices and mediums are needed, so Suhoon collects the offerings and heads to Changgang Cave.

Jinseo encounters Suhoon at Changgang Cave and Suhoon finds out that Jinseo has the Falchion. With the Falchion, she can turn the tide, so Suhoon attacks her. Jinseo uses her wit to avoid Suhoon and destroy the medium of the curse, and Suhoon dies from the aftershocks of destroying the mediator. Yanghwa declares that Jinseo will pay the price of receiving Yanghwa’s thoughts. Yanghwa gives Jinseo the scar that was the reason for her lover abandoning her. Jinseo’s left eye and arm began to rot, and she received a burn scar on her right calf. Jinseo is surprised at her own hideous appearance and runs away after contacting Wiso to tell him that she destroyed the medium with the Falchion.


Wiso goes to Changgang Cave to find the Falchion. He suspects that Jinseo may have died due to the body of Suhoon and the traces left in the cave. Concerned that Hyunwol would waver, he lies and tells Hyunwol that Jinseo returned home to the human world. Hyunwol believes him and prepares for the final battle. Hyunwol is chosen by the Falchion, wins the battle, and ascends to his rightful place in Heaven. After everything is over, he goes to find Jinseo, but discovers to his despair that she is missing.


Even after three years pass, Hyunwol continues to search for Jinseo. Wiso confesses everything he had seen, fearing Hyunwol would break down. Hyunwol is in denial about what Wiso told him and begs Huiseo to tell him if he knows anything. Huiseo reveals that truth for Hyunwol and Jinseo. Finally, Hyunwol meets Jinseo again. Jinseo is afraid of being abandoned like Yanghwa was abandoned by her lover, so she tries to avoid him, but in the end she is won over by Hyunwol’s sincerity and decides to stay with him. On the day Jinseo accepts him, Yanghwa’s thoughts come to Hyunwol. Yanghwa admits that she was wrong about love and returns Jinseo to her originally state before moving on. Jinseo and Hyunwol are then officially married in heaven.



[Author Introduction]


Name : 해령

A write who wants to write something easily read by everyone, something that makes you want to read again, and something that leaves a lingering impression.
