Strange Guests Come to the Movie Theatre Weekly


<Strange Guests Come to the Movie Theatre Weekly> Synopsis







Horror Romance


#Horror #Romance #Fantasy #Modern Fantasy #Life #Strange Tale 







126 Chapters


Ages 12 and up




Name : 에이켄 (Aiken)

Promoting the combination of horror and romance that have melted into every day life.  



Lee Siwoo: 24-year-old protagonist. While looking for a part-time job with a high hourly wage, she finds one with strange customers. Has a very polite and cautious personality. She is very shy.

Yoo Heena: 24 years old. Employee at the movie theatre. She is loved by the strange and eccentric guests. She is a lively mood maker and the younger sister of department store manager Yoo Dowon.

Han Minho: Long-time employee and Team Leader of the afternoon shift at the theatre.

Choi Hyunseok: Afternoon shift employee at the movie theatre. A very plain personality.

Yoo Dowon: Heenas older brother and general manager at a department store. He has a deep connection with the strange guests due to his existence as Saint Yoo.

Yoogi: Regular customer at the movie theatre who comes every Friday. Normally, his appearance has half of his face cut away. Hes also very close to Siwoo?

Hoban(Beast Customer): Customer who really likes Heena. His appearance is a mixture of animal and human.

Somun(Customer without feet): A horse without feet that can hear all the sounds of the world. One of the theatres regulars.


Short Introduction

One day, unemployed Siwoo applies for a part-time job she finds on a job site.

The part-time job was simple, just a normal movie theatre job. However, the pay at this job was strangely high.

Since she doesnt have any money right now, Siwoo goes to work without thinking anything of it……



I decided to accept a part-time job with a strangely high pay.


As an ordinary Korean in their 20s, I was in need of money. While searching for a good job, I found something very suitable for me, and luckily, the pay was high as well.


Didnt I find a really strange job?

Not at all.


I decided to work the afternoon shift at a movie theatre inside a department store.


If I had lived in a slum or something like that, I wouldnt have taken a job at a movie theatre with a weirdly high pay.


But this was a downtown area and there was a police station a 5-minute walk away.


The department store itself was an ordinary department store that I had visited many times, and although Id never seen a movie in the theatre, it wasnt a dangerous place.


A place where there was nothing strange. A part-time job without anything strange about it. Yet, it had an oddly high hourly wage.

There had to be something, but I had the strange feeling that I would never be able to guess.


But the important thing for me was that even if the part-time job seemed suspicious, there was nothing dangerous about it. At that time, I really needed the money. If I didnt find a job right away, I would not only be kicked out of my room, but I would have to figure out a way to eat for the next month.


It was Korea, and it wasnt a rural village, so how long would it take for something to happen in a downtown area? I began my work with a light heart.


On my first day of work. It was a Friday.


I received a strange manual from the manager, Chaehee.

It was like a ghost story inside a manual no not like that. The manual was written so strangely that I couldnt understand it.


It read,


[Every Friday at the movie theatre. One employee needs to accompany each guest in watching the last late-night screening. One person must view it, and the order of viewing is irregular dependent on the time.]


Every Friday. The movie theatre, and the department store itself, both said they dont accept civilian customers in the afternoon when I saw it, I finally understood.


The evening had finally come. I immediately understood Chaehees meaningful words.

And I could see why the pay for this seemingly ordinary part-time job was so high.


I could see white skin peeking out from the loose hanbok collar. The skin looked even whiter due to the black liquid dirtying it. With every step he took, black dripped from his neck and fell to the floor, defiling his red uniform.


And above his neck……


Above his neck there was only half a face. The face only had a nose and mouth, as if the surface had been unevenly cut out with scissors.


Yes. At this movie theatre, every Friday, strange guests came instead of humans.


I didnt know what they were, what kind of beings they were, or why they came. All I knew was that they valued courtesy and as long as I behaved civilly, no problems would arise.


This is a story that takes place at a movie theatre with strange, incomprehensible guests.


I hope today passes safely as well




