Opal, A Game of Color


<Opal; A Game of Color> Novel Introduction







BL, Fantasy


BigbutSoftHearted, Munchkin, Long-HairedCharacter, Imperial, BeautifulCharacter, Obsession, Regret


Main Story 100 Chapters (4 Volumes) + Supplementary Story 10 Chapters






NAme : Goo Hongpal

Hello, Im Goo Hongpal.

I want to write a story like a fairy tale filled with the purpose and desire of the characters.




Van C. Lavit: Main character. The illegitimate son of the Lavit family, with red hair and red eyes, the heir to the Rabbits Den. Recognized as the eldest son of the Lavit family, he has been transformed into someone who combines martial arts excellent martial arts skills and wit. A character who is infinitely soft to anyone who gives him affection.

Perth H. Coschell: Main character. The only Crowned Prince (and later emperor) of the Sharre Empire. A man of reason who has a seizure every new moon because the blood of a monster flows within him. Therefore, he relies on the drug Amicho to reduce the damage from the seizure. Later, he loses his fire as a result of his addiction to Amicho. He is cynical by nature but becomes an idiot once he loses his fire. Hes looking for his sanity for Van and a solution to his seizures.

Jangs (Jang Sooin) : Vans uncle on his mothers side. A slave who was sold in Karena at the age of 15. He dies later, but serves as Vans father Bariuss puppet.

Simon G Grain : Perthomans right arm. His characteristic is wearing the monocle his dead father left behind. He takes care of and protects Perthoman, who has been banished to a remote palace for being an idiot. Becomes a reliable helper for Van as well as Perth.

Durang (Durash M. Vuliche): A person who fled from his family and lives as a mercenary. He doesnt clear his money well and avoids conflict. Therefore, he becomes the shadow of Perth, who is recuperating, and later helps Van topple his family.

Sunny (Lee Sun): A prince from Karena who is sent to the gisaeng system. A good-looking and mischevious figure. Every fortnight, he loses his body to the moon. Therefore, he feels skeptical about God and faith and tries to escape. He later overtakes the other princes to become king.

Grideaux H. Coschell: A greedy person who wants to become emperor of Sharre. A character who has been conspiring for his own greed for a long time and is the one who made Perth addicted to drugs.

Tarasia H. Coschell: Perths arranged fiancée. A figure as greedy as her father Grideaux, but her greed is disguised by her beautiful appearance. She plays a big part in driving a wedge between Perth and Van.

Wizer H. Coschell: Empress. Thinks of Perth as her own child. The one who inherited the fate of the red rabbit before Van.

The Red Orchid: the original monster of Karena, Perths biological mother. A long time ago, she became human by making a wish to the moon. Now, whenever the moon becomes weak she reverts to a monster. Later, she met the Red Rabbit, the son of the moon, and fell in love. Punished by the moon, she was left to wander and search for the Red Rabbit in the bamboo forest.

Red Rabbit: Son of the moon and the sun. He met the Red Orchid and the two were abandoned by the moon. Along with the Red Orchid, one of the people who began the whole story. The founder of the Lavit family and the creator of the Rabbits Den. 




Short Introduction

On a moonless night, a red-haired man put the crazed emperor to rest. Their mysterious fate begins when Perthoman, the emperor who lost his senses, and Van, the one who holds on to a family secret, meet.

A game of colors in which the colors of these two men mix together like brilliant opals shining in the moonlight.


1.     The Lavits Mansion / Vans Growth / Van and Perths First Meeting

Van, with red hair and red eyes, is the illegitimate son of the Lavit family. The story begins when one day, he is suddenly recognized as the eldest son and heir. Can meets Jangs, the expressionless butler at the Lavits mansion, and finds out that he is heir to the Rabbits Den. Additionally, he realizes that the reason he was recognized as the eldest son is to be used as a substitute for the eldest son Limus and sent to the gisaeng system.

 Soon after, Van meets Perthoman, the crown prince who came to the Lavit mansion, for the first time. Van fell in love with Perthoman at first sight, like it was fate. Meanwhile, once he returns to the palace, Perths body begins to change. When the moon disappears, he loses his sense of reason and craves blood like an animal.


2. The Palace / The Gisaeng System / Van and Perths Second Meeting

Van, who enters the palace through the gisaeng system, feels that the gisaeng system is going down the drain, and meets Perth for the second time when he is training alone. However, Perths condition was strange, and their short meeting is ended quickly by Sunny, a gisaeng who appeared out of nowhere.

Not long after, the other gisaengs go on a rampage while eating, and Van heads to the Rabbits Den to try and figure out the strange things going on. In the middle of the mayhem, he meets Sunny and General and the three are chased out by Grideaux. At this time, thanks to the perverted Sunny, who always has something meaningful to say, they head to the east of the palace rather than to the Rabbits Den.


3. The Palace of the Moon / Van and Perths Mysterious Fate

Perth appears again in front of Van as he heads eastward. Perthoman, who lost his mind, shoots an arrow at the fleeing Van with childlike naivety and obsession and takes him to his palace, the Palace of the Moon. There he meets Simon, Perthomans right-hand man, and Durang, the mercenary shadow.

Van remains at the palace to take care of Perthoman, who is innocent like a child. And in uncovering Perthomans mysterious condition and fate, he discovers that he is the key to stopping his seizures. Then, Van readily adapts to his fate for his beloved Perthoman.


4. Main Palace / Fleeing Van and Regretful Perth

Perthoman, who managed to shake off his medication addiction thanks to Vans efforts, returns to his cold temperament. Not only that, but he denies ever being half-possessed and doesnt remember what happened. Therefore, he denies Van and pushes him away, but on the other hand he cant forget how it feels to be in Vans embrace and heads to his bedroom every night.

Perthomans attitude is completely different from when he was half-possessed. Van feels hurt and suffers from anxiety, so he tries to run away with the help of the empress but fails. However, he doesnt give up and finally succeeds in running away after several attempts.

Perthoman only feels Vans absence once he is gone, and searches for him desperately, regretting his mistake. After he finds him, he apologizes to Van and the two continue their relationship.



