An Explosion of Coolness!


<An Explosion of Coolness!> Novel Introduction








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Modern Fantasy, Fantasy


#Casanova #Womanizer #Harem #MaleFantasy




All Ages


Name : 쾌벌

I dont like the common subjects used by other writers.

Isnt it the same for neighborhood ice cream shops? Its what I choose to eat.

Thats what I want to write. I want to write pleasant stories that suit ones taste!

Novel Plan

 Lets meet the fantasy of Korean men!


A single man who has never dated, a boring office worker who lives a repetitive life, a divorced man, and a married man who dreams of polygamy.

Dreams that are impossible in reality.

I want to show them all in An Explosion of Coolness




<Important Characters>

Park Kyunsoo (BJ, Professional Investor, Fencing, Climbing Instructor, Etc. His jobs are countless)

Divorced and jobless at 35 years old. An old man who is short, fat, and starting to lose his hair.

After reading a book about a Casanova, he transforms into an SSS-Class man.



Shin Bitna (BJ. Woman who lives next door) A woman who stays home and wears sexy clothes all day. Led Kyungsoo to become a BJ.

Min Chaeri (the only daughter of Haemoon Construction) The immature and tomboy daughter of an arbitrary chaebol family.

She falls in love with Kyungsoo, who went out to hunt, and instead hunts him.

Kang Misook (Kyungsoos ex-wife) Cheated on Kyungsoo with his boss and regretted it later.

Woo Dahye (Fencing Instructor) Accidentally met Kyungsoo while in Garosugil. She turns out to be a famous Korean national team member.

Kim Haesal (High schooler/Aspiring singer) She is fat and wears glasses. She met Kyungsoo and gained courage. Later she will become a famous female singer under the name Luvin.

Park Sunmi (former Miss Korea) Kyungsoos alumni. Runs a food truck.

Kim Mihyang (Bar Owner) She used to have a simple image. But the womans transformation is innocent! She turns into a beautiful woman and appears in front of Kyungsoo.

Ban Eunsoo (High Schooler) Park Sunmis niece. She is very charming and clever.

Koo Habin (Police) Smart and snappy personality when in uniform. But when in regular clothes, becomes an angelic woman.


Other. (Characters that will come later)

Yoo Suzy (Actress) Representative actress of Korea. Later, she meets Kyungsoo.

Salama Bintu Muhammad Bin Rashid Al Maktub (Lord from Dubai) Meets Kyungsoo in Itaewon and brings him great wealth.

Park Woonbo (Kyungsoos father) The person who read the Casanova novel just before Kyungsoo. He thought he was dead but continues to find traces of him.

Short Introduction

People call me a Casanova.

But I was born for women, and I love them sincerely.

Park Kyungsoo, who reads a book left by a Casanova and decides to meet all the beautiful women in the world.

His explosion of coolness!




Park Kyungsoo was enduring another day in hell.

I cant breathe when Im with you. And I have someone else I like. Lets end our marriage here.

The last words of his wife before she left constantly repeated in his head. He cooked ramen, but then his appetite disappeared.

Thunk! The ramen got stuck in the sink. His life was irreversibly broken.

He looked like a mess. He had been crying, but werent all his tears dry by now?

Then, he received a call from his friend.

What? Are you crying? Youre 35 years old already. Tsk tsk. Come on. Lets have a drink.

He was sick and tired of alcohol. But it would be too difficult to get through the night sober.

-July 15th(Friday). Location Beauty Hops. Dont be late everyone!

He looked at the calendar. He circled the appointment date in red. It was the anniversary of his fathers death. 

Oh, father. I didnt want to live like you, but I look like this.

On that day, Kyungsoo drank with his friends. Then, his friend opened his mouth without thinking.

Ah. The man Misook met is named Robin Choi, right? I saw his Kakao profile picture Ha!

Misook was the name of his ex-wife. Robin Choi was the name of Kyungsoos boss.

“… What did you just say? Robin Choi? Are you talking about Director Choi?

The atmosphere turned cold. His friends tried to change the subject in a hurry. Talking about their jobs. Bragging about their kids. Kyungsoo couldnt relate.

I shouldnt have come out. Id rather be at home.

Then, his gaze turned to the table next to them. The people were in their early 20s at most.

Pretty faces. All of them wearing short skirts. Smiling. They laughed in refreshing bursts of energy.

Kyungsoo made eye contact with one of them. Red lipstick on white skin. He opened his mouth and was staring without realizing it.

Ew! That old man is crazy. Hes so obviously staring at me, what a weirdo.

Where? Oh. Isnt he even older than uncle?

Uncle? Hes like our dads age. Crazy.

How miserable. Kyungsoo quickly dropped his gaze to the floor and went to the bathroom. His face was reflected in the mirror.

A receding hairline, bald spots, wrinkles around his eyes, and a deep forehead.

The ends of his mouth were drooping, and his smile lines stood out. He looked like a typical old man.

He sat on the toilet and closed the door. Looking at his phone, it was already past midnight. July 15, 12:32am.

How long had it been? He had sat on the toilet and nodded off. His legs were asleep. He stood up from his seat.

Thud. Something fell at his feet. An old book. He picked it up.

-Memories Part 2. Giacomo C.

Did someone leave it? It was like his father came out in a short dream.

He opened the first page without thinking. Perhaps it was just the mood, but the book seemed to be shining brightly.

-Chapter 1. First impressions. The most important thing when meeting the opposite sex is image. The first 3 seconds. 5 seconds at most. Everything is determined by the first impression. So, you must refine your appearance. Think of the face you want to have

Kyungsoo closed the book. What kind of nonsense was that? Was this one of those self-help books that were so popular these days?

He left the bathroom. His friends were still eagerly talking about stocks.

The pretty women sitting at the next table were still there.

Afraid of making eye contact again, he tried to slip by unnoticed.

Suddenly, someone grabbed Kyungsoos arm.

Excuse me.

It was the same woman he had made eye contact with earlier. Yes?

Kyungsoo raised his head. Had he done something else wrong? She was even more beautiful up close.

Two red cheeks. A shy glance to the side.

He realized that the way she was looking at him had changed. No way.

Do you want to have a drink with me?

It wasnt an illusion. After that, Kyungsoos life changed. Com.Plete.Ly!!!


