Save Him from the Snake Bite




Title : Save Him from the Snake Bite

Author : FLUE

Genre : Romance










Haemils friend Kyunga returned home and gave Haemil a shocking request. 

Please seduce my brother, Haemil! As she moved to run away, wondering what kind of nonsense her friend was spouting, Kyunga shook her beloved golden notebook in front of her eyes. 

If you seduce my brother who is being conned by a snake, I will give you my golden notebook, Kyunga said. 

Haemil was convinced and reluctantly got a job working at a café alongside Kyungas brother Shin Jihoo!

The sweet story of Haemil and Jihoo coming together at Café Crescendo. Begin!






Main Characters


1) Jung Haemil (Female) 27

160cm tall with unusually large and round eyes.

She had been unemployed for three months after leaving her previous job. Her hobbies include reading novels and watching dramas with a tendency to binge them. When dating someone, she often is the one to confess first because she cant hold it in.

She wants to live a quiet and long life, but she doesnt avoid fights and has a sharp tongue.


2) Shin Jihoo (Male) 31

Slightly over 180cm tall with a sturdy body and handsome face. However, because of his rough and cold personality, women often quit on him after only looking at his face. 

Hes the owner of a new but popular café, knows hes handsome, and has a large ego. He is more sensitive and delicate than expected, secretly takes care of others, and tends to be at a loss when faced with unexpected situations. When embarrassed, his ears turn red.



Minor Characters


1) Gong Juyeon (Female) 24

She has an attractive figure and a pure image. She acts like a lady in front of Minhyuk but tends to express herself more openly in front of others. She fell in love with Minhyuk at first sight in childhood and has been chasing him since then. She will do her best to seduce Minhyuk in the time she has left before her grandmother summons her to the U.S.


2) Cha Minhyuk (Male) 31

His friendship with Jihoo started in infancy. If Jihoo has a cold impression, the Minhyuk is a gentle and loveable handsome guy. He is always smiling and acting playful but has a lot of stories to tell. He runs away from home and the eyes of his political father. He likes Juyeon but draws a line because of his background.






(Haemil was a big fan of the golden author of the fantasy novel Anatona. However, Haemils enthusiasm dwindled after the author gave up writing after Anatona. But even if you take a break, you can never quit being a fan! The story begins when Haemils close friend Kyunga returns home from the U.S.)


Haemils best friend Kyunga returned from the U.S. after hearing the news of her brothers sudden marriage. 

She asks Haemil, who was unemployed at the time, to seduce Jihoo because she believes he is getting married to a con artist. 

Haemil initially refused, but when Kyunga presented her with the notebook of her favourite author, she reluctantly accepted.

Contrary to expectations, however, the relationship between Jihoo and the supposed con artist Juyeon seemed to be strong. 

Haemil eventually rejected Kyungas offer, but it turned out Juyeon was indeed a con artist. 

Juyeon only became Jihoos lover in order to seduce his best friend Minhyuk. 

Haemil felt bad for Jihoo, who seemed to really like her. 

In response, Haemil began to seduce Jihoo in earnest. In the meantime, she found that she truly fell in love with him.

However, no matter how much she expressed affection for Jihoo it never seemed to reach him. 

There was a reason for that. Truthfully, Jihoo was asked by Juyeon to pretend to be a couple. 

Juyeon was going to leave for the U.S. in three months and wanted to win over Minhyuk in the meantime after he had rejected her for an unknown reason.

Jihoo gradually opened up to Haemils relentless love attack and eventually broke up with Juyeon and began a relationship with Haemil.





Name: FLUE
