Don't Look for the Gone Villainess



Dont Look for the Gone Villainess


                                                                                                         by. 단리한






Title: Dont Look for the Gone Villainess

Author: 단리한

Genre: Fantasy Romance

Main Story: 150 Chapters

Supplementary Story: 20 Chapters

Age: All Ages




[Work Intention]


<Dont Look for the Gone Villainess> began with the thought of how sweet it would be if even one person were absolutely on my side in a situation where everyone in the world became my enemy.

This story is about Seisha, who is afraid of the world because of malicious rumors spread by her family, and Dian, her absolute ally.

At the same time, Dian himself is also saved by Seisha, the only pure and clean thing in his land dominated by those who are different from the outside.

In a modern society where the internet is developed, malicious and provocative rumors spread easily but explanations dont. Many readers have suffered from unfair rumors or have seen people around them suffering.

There have been many moments where people around me thought badly of me because of rumors, and my heart felt stuffy and tight because the truth didnt spread.

I hope this work will be a small consolation to others who have experienced the same thing.



[Work Points]


1. Harley Quinn: A work with Harley Quinn-like sexual tension.

2. Two-Way Narrative: a long-loved and steady subject matter.

3. Slightly Worn Cliché: Normally, the male character suffers from bad rumors and the female character is normal. There are many settings in which a character is persecuted by their family, but in this case it was changed from the male character to the female. This new point will appeal to readers.

4. A unique worldview:The work reflects a unique world rather than a general court romance.

The main subject is that four families are fighting for power in Dians homeland, which he calls the Garden, and each family deals with a different poison. Each family has a different specialized poison, which will provide new vitality for readers who are flooded with similar works.




[Novel Introduction]




Seisha, who heals people by reducing her own vitality, escapes from her abusive family and sets up a treatment clinic.


You have no idea what a precious ability that is. You must have had a hard time dealing with foolish people, Sei.


However, a suspicious customer comes to the treatment clinic.


Seisha, who was long plagued by rumors of being a promiscuous lady, thinks he is a noble and tries to stay away from him.




My lady.


The Grand Duke of Cartea smiled softly and placed his fingers on her collarbone. His fingers slid down her arm and stopped on the back of her hand.


The Duke raised her hand and gave it a brief kiss.


I know you enjoy doing it in front of others, My Lady. But just once, please play with me, he whispered seductively.


Here, with me. Okay?


The kindest man in the empire, the best groom in the empire, keeps approaching her.


There is no way to get away from me.

I cant let you go.


In a strongly seductive manner.



. Arent you a sweet guy?




#HealingFemaleProtagonist#Reducing vitality when using healing power

#Kind-hearted male#Male protagonist who seems like a villain #seductive male lead

#male lead who is warm only to his woman #male lead who uses poison #male lead who cant see that the female leads vitality is being lowered

#trash family in the trash can





-Main Characters


<Female Lead>


Seisha Lidain

(Female, 25)


Seisha Von Lodika Cartea

Dian, please stop before worse rumors spread. Im scared. Im afraid youll believe the dirty rumors about me.


The Daughter of Count Lidain. She has the ability to heal people by reducing her own vitality.

Calm and quiet personality.

167cm tall, a bit thin. Her eyes are deep pink and petal-like, and her silver hair reaches down to her waist.

Shes been abused since childhood so she cant trust easily and thinks everyone is an enemy. Shes ashamed of the nicknames she received through rumors, Promiscuous Lady and Evil Witch. However, after she meets Dian and regains her honor, she becomes stronger and stronger until she is a person who can trust and give her heart to people.

Her healing power can cure things impossible to cure with medicine, but since it uses her vitality she does not reveal it even after becoming Grand Duchess of Cartea. However, she ends up using her power to save Mu when he is put in danger in her place. Impressed by Seishas actions, the Lodika people serve her sincerely as she cares for them one by one. She knows that her healing power uses her own life force but uses it anyways. However, Dian wants her to stop using it.

Seisha, along with the people of Lodika, gradually overturns the County of Lidain, who constantly bothers her, and adapts to being Grand Duchess.

She is threatened by the three other families within the Grand Duchy, but overcomes adversity and creates a safe space with Dian.

<Male Lead>


Idian Von Lodika Cartea

(Male, 27)

I know you enjoy doing it in front of other people, My Lady. Just once, play with me.

Here, with me. Okay?


Grand Duke of Cartea and head of the Lodika Family of the Grand Duchy of Cartea, known as the Garden, divided into four families.

The Lodika family is called Lodika of Temptation due to their ability to manipulate those addicted to Lodika. Anyone addicted to the scent of the poisonous Lodika flower cannot refuse orders from the Lodika family.

His blonde hair and blue eyes give off a pure feeling, but in reality, he is the darkest of men.

In the social world, he is rumored to be the most polite, pure, and friendly man in the empire. He laughs at the rumors because they are ridiculous lies but takes advantage of them because they give him a favorable reputation.

He actively pursues Seisha, who is afraid that her bad rumors will dampen his good image, but he tells her he is not afraid of rumors.

The enemy is cruel and merciless, and he is a man who must win by cruel means in return in order to defend his people. On the other hand, he never hesitates to be lovely and sweet to his own people. 

After meeting Seisha, she became indispensable to him. In the meantime, the three families trying to kill him find out that Seisha is his weakness and threaten her life. Seisha and Idian, deciding to use Seishas healing power to win, declare war on the three families and the Lidain family who conspired with them.

Idian is gentle with Seisha but merciless toward his enemies. Eventually, the defeat the three families and the Lidains and spreads peace and love in the Garden.



-Minor Characters






Count and Countess Lidain

Seisha Lidains parents. The Count is her biological father, but the Countess is her stepmother.

From generation to generation, their family carries Black Magic.

Countess Lidain spreads malicious rumors about Seisha to cover up the disturbances caused by Theyod. She also has a hidden purpose of keeping Seisha from inheriting the County of Lidain.

Theyod Lidain

(Male, 20)

Seishas younger half-brother. The biological son of Countess Lidain. A promising young Black Sorcerer.

He always causes rumors and issues because of his bad actions and bad speaking habits.

He believes its natural to use Seisha for his own gain.

Head of Theare

(Male, 50s)

Head of the paralytic Theare Family.

In order to make his son the next head of Cartea, he conspired with another family to kill Idian in the trials to select the next Grand Duke but failed.

He wants to kill Idian as he is the Lodikas third generation of Grand Duke and wants to marry an outsider. However, he doesnt know about Seishas healing power so he tries, fails, and is executed.

Head of Shaiti

(Female, 40s)

Head of the Shaiti family that uses a blood poison.

Although she cooperated with the Theare familys plot during the succession trials, she saved herself when Idian returned alive and became Grand Duke.

After learning that Seishas healing power works against all the poisons in the Garden, she tries and fails to appease her.

Head of Henia

(Male, 60s)

The head of the Henia family, whose poison causes confusion and hallucinations.

He hates those from outside Cartea.

After Theares failure, he feels a sense of crisis and tries to destroy Lodika by teaming up with Seishas family, the Lidain Black Sorcerers, but fails.


Myuon Lodika

(Male, 24)

Idians younger cousin. Twins with Myu.

Has a sickly scholarly style with dark blue hair and golden eyes.

Unlike other Carteans, he has no resistance to poison, so he has to chew on a root all day that serves as an antidote in order to survive. Although he cant use a sword and moves slowly, he is excellent at gathering and interpreting information, so he is able to help Seishia and Idian a lot.

Myu Lodika

(Female, 24)

Idians younger cousin. Twins with Myuon.

She has an athletic style, with her long dark blue hair always tied up and golden eyes.

Has a strong resistance to poison, though not as strong as Idian. 

She is good at using all kinds of military equipment as well as fighting with swords and has a talent for infiltrating. However, she lacks the ability to gather information.







[Beginning] Suffering from abuse, malicious rumors, and her mothers plot to make her half-brother Theyod head of the family, Seisha escapes her family and sets up a treatment clinic in an unfamiliar rural village. Meanwhile, Idian participats in the Grand Duchys succession trials and is threatened by the other three families but is found just before his death by Seisha. Seisha saves Idian with her healing powers, and Idian wonders how he was cured from the Theare familys deadly poison.


Idian watched Seisha to try and figure out the secret of how he was treated, but found himself constantly attracted to her eyes, reminiscent of the crimson petals of the tree his mother had cherished during her life. Wanting to keep an eye on her, Idian ends up staying in the village longer than he planned. In that time, he fell in love with Seishas pure laughter that reminded him so much of his mother, who had been deceived and killed by her enemies.


Seisha is wary of whether Idian, who is clearly an aristocrat, knows who she is, but is relieved to find out that he is an aristocrat of another country. Idian asks Seisha why she treats people for such cheap prices, and she tells him of her difficult past, claiming she likes being somewhere where the people need her. She revealed it all because she thought she would never see him again.


When Seisha is taken back to the Lidain family, Idian returns to the Grand Duchy of Cartea. Determined to see her again, he then goes to visit her. After being taken back to the mansion Seisha longed for Idian. When she attends a salon, Idian attends the same one in order to find her and the two reunite.



[Conflict] Seisha is happy to find out that he was just as eager for their reunion as she was, but after finding out that he is the Grand Duke of Cartea, the most eligible bachelor in the empire, she pushes him away fearing that the terrible rumors surrounding her would hurt his reputation. But Idian was only more attracted to her, and whispered seductive words to her during the banquet.


Surprised, Seisha leaves in a hurry. However, Idian follows her to the Lidain mansion and actively seduces her, confessing and telling her that she can become Grand Duchess. Shaken by the temptation, Seisha decides to follow him and become the Grand Duchess.


However, not only are the other three families hostile towards Lodika, but the Lodika people themselves are not welcoming towards outsiders. In the meantime, Seisha saves a member of Lodika from dying with her healing powers and the Lodika people realize that she is the decisive weapon and shield who can be used to take down the four families once and for all. However, Idian realizes that using her power drains Seishas vitality and urges her not to use it, knowing he cannot return to the life he had before her.


Meanwhile, Idian succeeds as Grand Duke and celebrates a grand wedding with Seisha, and the two spend their first night together. After the first night, Idian is drawn to Seisha day and night like crazy. He tries to hide his affection for her from outsiders, but eventually another family finds out and tries to take her life.


On the other hand Seisha, who had been afraid to face her violent half-brother Theyod, was supported by the Lodikans and able to confront him. Meanwhile, the other three families continue to attack Lodika. Idian refuses to let Seisha use her power and attacks them with his own strength.


[Climax] When the war with the three families ignites, Seisha convinces Idian to let her protect the Lodika family with her healing power and stabilize the Garden. Idian initially opposes, but eventually declares war on the families according to Seishas decision.

Theare tries to poison Myuon and then threaten Lodika with the antidote and is destroyed by a counterattack. Shaiti, who had been trying to appease Seisha, join forces with Henia to try and check Lodika. Henia and Shaiti then join forces with the black sorcerer Lidain family to summon a poisonous monster, but Lodika manages to defeat it and gains the recipes for the antidotes to each familys poison. 



[End] In the end, all families except for Lodika, including the Lidain family, are ruined. In the war against black magic, Seishas parents and half-brother Theyod are all killed, leaving the Lidain estate to her. In the end, the three families and the Lidains were defeated and the Garden was united under the Lodika family. Such a happy ending.



[Epilogue] The unified landscape of the garden and the appearance of Seisha and Dian. A friendly affair in which the people of Cartea, who lived in a world full of poison, go on a trip to visit the peaceful Countess Lidain. The story ends with the news of Seishas pregnancy.





Name : 단리한

Published Works

<How to Survive as the Wife of a Monster Duke>

<I Raised Namjoo and Ate Her Up>
