Private Teacher for the Illegitimate Child of a Count


Private Teacher for the Illegitimate Child of a Count

Translator: Isabelle Emerson






Do you know when a person is hit the hardest?

When you spill perfectly cooked ramen?

Or when you eat something expensive and it tastes bad or has no taste?

To begin with, it’s neither of those things.

The answer is ‘When a well-read novel suddenly becomes real life’.


“No, this can’t be real,” the man murmured in disbelief.


At first, he doubted his own eyes. But nothing changed.

The more he looked at the page, the angrier he was.


“It was doing so well, what happened…”


He let out a sigh, but it didn’t help.

The author of this novel was famous for not modifying content. Numerous readers left comments and sent messages, but the author never responded or revised the content.

It wasn’t right, though.


“This can’t be…”


Even if he didn’t get a reply, he thought it would be good to leave some honest words. He thought it might relieve his frustration even just a little.


Tap tap tap.


--- Hello.

--- I really enjoy reading your work.


The clicks of his keyboard sounded cheerful.

Sometime later…


---… Therefore, I think it would be better and more natural for the story if you revised it like this.


He finished his long feedback.

Was it because he had written everything he wanted to say? The man’s face finally relaxed.




[Notification]: The author has left a reply.




His face went blank.

‘What’s this? They’ve never replied to anyone before.’

The man tried to calm his pounding heart as he clicked on the message.

The reply was simple.


--- It’s not as easy as you think.


“…Is that all?”


The man’s face turned red.

Tap tap tap!

His fingers flew across the keyboard like crazy.

In addition to numerous criticisms of the wild developments beginning from the first episode, he also included the words “I could write something better than this with the hair between my toes!”.

He sent a reply full of anger.

Soon, the author replied again.  


--- Fine! Then you try it!


Another short sentence.

Moreover, the response was too disappointing.


“Ha… hahaha!”


All he could do was smile dejectedly.

Then, he suddenly felt dizzy.




The room turned upside down in a moment.

The world spun, and he slowly fell backwards.

‘Ah. I heard that some people pass out when they get too angry. I guess that must be what’s happening.’


With that brief conclusion, the man lost consciousness.








Chapter 1: The Supporting Role in a Novel


The earth had been invaded by another world.

Monsters appeared, and thus hunters who hunted them appeared.

S-Class hunter Kang Taemin was one of them. Kang Taemin climbed step by step from the bottom up, but the year he turned 25 he sustained a serious injury. He lost all his mana and was no longer able to participate in battle.


There were less than 20 S-Class hunters in the entire world, but he had no choice but to retire in vain.


However, it wasn’t a complete retirement.

He became a teacher at the Hunter Academy under the recommendation of the president of the Hunter’s Association.

Kang Taemin raised numerous hunters for more than a decade. Among his students was an S-Class hunter who made a remarkable contribution in the final battle against the monsters.


And now, 38 years after the first invasion, humans had succeeded in protecting the earth.






When the monsters disappeared, hunters began to disappear one by one.

Some lived with the money they had saved up, others returned to their hometowns to live quiet lives.

Among them, Kang Taemin was somewhere in the middle.

He bought two 5-story buildings and thought he would live in them without worrying about money.

He wanted to just enjoy his hobbies and be normal.

However, from today, his normal routine had been changed completely.

No, it was broken into pieces.


“Hahahah! So, what did you do?”

“Here! We’re ready to order!”

“I’m sorry, but let’s share a table.”


People sat around drinking alcohol with red faces and talking with excited faces.

The tavern had a boisterous atmosphere.

There, Taemin sat blankly.




He stopped for a moment.

After a while, he spoke again.


“What’s this…”


Chaos rushed into his hardened head like a wave.


Tap tap.


“Hey, it’s Ferda.”


Someone tapped his shoulder.

A hairy, full-bodied man spoke to him with a pale face.


“Excuse me, I think they’re looking for you.”


Huh? Who was searching?

At that moment, he heard a cold voice behind his back.


“Ferda Inosid.”


It was the desert-dry tone of a martyr.

Soon after, hands clasped his shoulders.


“Come outside. Let’s talk.”






The alley had an awful stench.

Footsteps could be heard on the darkened street.

Thud thud.

It sounded like two people.

One of them was Kang Taemin.


‘What the hell is going on here?’


He was confused.

He remembered grabbing his head as he fell backwards.

However, he couldn’t remember what happened next. Or anything about why he was here or why he was following this man.


‘More than that…’


Kang Taemin’s eyes narrowed.

He recalled what he had just heard in the tavern.


‘He called me Ferda.’


It was a name that tickled his memory. Who was it?

Then, the man stopped walking. Taemin stopped behind him.


At that moment!


The man pulled a sword from his belt.

The blade shone softly in the moonlight. The man swung the sword as he turned his body halfway.





The sword barely missed his nose.

He had instinctively pulled his upper body back when he saw the blade coming, but he still almost cut his face.

However, the man’s attack wasn’t finished.


He came towards him in a series of fierce jabs.

He was flustered, but that was all.

He’d already regained his composure from the first attack.


He perfectly avoided the second and third attacks.

Even if he was retired now, he was still an S-Class hunter in the past. If he couldn’t avoid an attack of this level, he would be embarrassed to call himself a hunter.

‘Hmm, should I try?’

Taemin decided to counterattack.

However, just before he could, the sword was suddenly pulled away.


The sword was placed back in its sheath.

The man’s spiritual pressure disappeared.


“Your skills are even better than I’ve heard,” he murmured dryly.


He crossed his arms.


“You passed the test.”


As he spoke, the man threw out a pouch.

A few silver coins spilled out from inside.


“The count is looking for you. In three days, come to the County of Arcdeut.”


The man turned around after saying what he had to say.

Kang Taemin was dumbfounded by the sudden situation.


“Why me…”

“You don’t have the option to refuse.”


At that moment, a fierce spiritual pressure emitted from the man’s body.

Kang Taemin’s shoulders shook, but it wasn’t out of fear.


‘What’s this?’


In a dark alley, a man threw a purse at him and was threatening him.

He felt like he had seen something just like this somewhere.

Just as he had that thought, some contents from the ‘novel’ came to mind.


[…… Suddenly, the man began to give off a terrifying burst of energy. With his hand gripping his sword, he looked down on Ferda arrogantly.


Overwhelmed by the pressure, all Ferda could do was lie on the floor and shiver. After a moment, the man said ‘Don’t forget. Three days.’.]


“Don’t forget. Three days.”


As soon as the man finished, Kang Taemin’s eyes widened.

The man had just uttered the exact same line as the novel he had been thinking of.

In a daze, Taemin reflexively recalled the next lines that would come.


‘You better not think about running away…’

“You better not think about running away.”



He was shocked.

Meanwhile, the man smiled as Kang Taemin stood blankly.


“You don’t seem to have the guts.”


After a cold sneer, the man disappeared as if he had melted into the darkness.

The scene had perfectly matched the description in the ‘novel’.


“Ha…. Ha…”


He pressed his lips together before he broke into a disbelieving smile.

It was ridiculous, but there was no other way to explain it.


“I went inside the novel?”


It happened to be the novel that had made him so angry before.








