Zero Ground


<Zero Ground> Novel Introduction










#생존 #성장 #각성 #능력자 #초능력 #세기말 #전쟁


Expected 300 chapters


All Ages


100won per chapter (ISBN 9791195997329)


Name : 양대성

Yang Daesung, a writer who wants to stand on the border between reality and emotion.




Yang Daesung_ A character who grows with affection, loyalty, and determination. He possesses excessive power due to his 100% dark characteristics, and the risks resulting from this are extreme.

Jeong Sihwa_ Daesungs best friend who grows into his worst enemy. 100% holy attributes.

Park Taemin_ Daesung and Sihwas teacher, a character who helps them escape from the exposed area. 100% shaman.

Short Introduction

Strange monsters trying to kill humans.

They were humans but due to exposure they are humans who became monsters

Killing their own people in order to survive monsters who used to be human.


A world where cruel and inhumane acts have become the norm.


Struggling to exist in a world that has become a living hell,

The story of a boy who used to be ordinary but cant be ordinary anymore.


After the Nuclear Explosion

In order to destroy the gate allowing monsters to come through, the Korean government dropped plutonium coal onto the central regions. However, even a nuclear attack couldnt destroy the gate. Instead, the monsters mutated to become even more brutal, and the exposed area is slowly turning into hell. Eighteen-year-old Daesung survived the nuclear explosion and is trying to escape with his friend Sihwa. All he can trust is himself and the ability he was given, Black Force. 


Battle is a Feast for Death

Monsters created from dead humans, they were humans but due to exposure they are humans turned into monsters, monsters who were humans that killed their own kind to survive. And Daesung, who is fighting his way to freedom. He grows up serving the high-level priest Father Jeong Taejin. But his happiness is short lived. He loses friends, colleagues, and teachers to biological experiments conducted by religious organizations and pharmaceutical companies conspiring together.


The Second Gate War

Daesung joins the military and gains strength through extreme training. However, after the emergence of a second stage gate and the invasion of new mutants, all of Daesungs colleagues are killed. Moreover, the Black Force, which was an abnormality from the beginning, is slowly beginning to choke him. In the meantime, a second large-scale gate opening appears and Daesung has to risk his life once again in order to understand the Black Force and reach the final awakening.


