The Greatest Streamer


<The Greatest Streamer> Novel Introduction










Modern Fantasy, Fantasy


#ModernFantasy #TimeTravel #Streamer #Raid #GameSkills #ElectronicSpirit


50 Chapters


All Ages


Name : 날없는 창

 장르소설은 동화, 만화와 더불어 독자가 활자에 익숙해지고 순수 문학과 전문서적 등을 소화하기 위한 징검다리 역할을 해줍니다.

 말하자면 읽기 연습의 교재가 되고 사람의 마음을 채워주는 문학 입문서가 되어 줍니다.

 저 역시 과거 장르문학에 큰 영향을 받았고 덕분에 글을 수월하게 읽게 되었습니다. 이러한 경험 때문에, 저는 글을 쓰는 것에 사명감과 책임감을 가지고 있습니다.

 장르소설가의 사명이란 재미있는 글을 쓰는 것이지요.

 접근하기 쉽고 연속성 있으며, 독자 스스로 글을 읽게 하여 나도 모르게 발전하게 만드는 것입니다.    

 그리고 책임감은 완결성입니다.

 작가와 독자, 매니지먼트와 플랫폼. 이 요소들은 서로 신뢰를 통해서 이어져 있습니다. 그저 재미뿐만 아니라 언젠가 이야기가 끝날 것이라 믿기 때문에 미완성의 글을 가지고 영업하며 게제하고 구입한다고 저는 생각합니다.

 때문에 저는 재미있는 글을 완결성있게 쓰도록 노력하고 있습니다.  

Intention of the Work

 A reality twisted by someone. And a main character who returned to the past with new skills. Is it just your desire you have to consider?


 The protagonist lived a horrible life and died miserably only to be returned to the past. In the process, he gains skills that are basically cheats. The protagonist was overjoyed even while questioning this phenomenon. At the same time, he pledged not to repeat the life he had before.

But is that all? Isnt there someone behind it all? The protagonist was given a lot of strength, so there must be someone to use it.

Will this story be an action film of the protagonist wielding his power? Whether it will be a puppet show by the villain behind the scenes remains to be seen. 






(Main Characters)


 1. Yoo Seongkun Main character. Orphan. His parents were famous hunters. However, when he was 7 years old, they were caught up in a major disaster and went missing. The public believes that Seongkuns parents were responsible for the disaster. He continues his life as a junior hunter until his mid-30s. He lives his life caught up in reckless orders. He returns to 13 years in the past with new skills and a hidden class called Streamer. He has doubts about why this happened to him, but makes up his mind to live a better life. 


 2. Hexa A high performance A.I. Exa created to investigate Yoo Seongkuns special power. She is an alter-ego, but her hacking skills are comparable to Exa. She tried to infiltrate Yoo Seongkuns phone but was caught by an unknown presence and turned into an electronic spirit.


3. Kim Woojang Director of Public Management at the community center. A former hunter who lost his right leg. One of the awakened who has gone through a second job change. Known as Mr. Kim. It seems like he is hiding part of the past related to the main character.


4. Exa A.I that created the leading global company Exaplex by combining magic principle and modern science. Learns and grows on her own. Has almost complete control of the Alphanet.


 5. Yewon Mixed. Elf. Runs a bar in Hallem and gives the main character multiple quests. Held the position of older, sister-like friend in the neighborhood even before his return. In reality, she is an executive from a secret organization called the Mixed League


(Minor Characters)


6. Oh Jinsu A scammer who tricks Yoo Seongkun. His real name is Seo Wonbeom. Although he works in public service, he hides his real name and face. He is fleeing from the White Knights Guild.


7. Shin Eunyeon A girl he met at the hunter market. She is in her late teens, but she owns a food truck. She is able to distinguish between good and bad people by nature. No one knows whether it is just a hunch or a special ability.


8. Shin Youngmok Shin Eunyeons younger brother. Elementary schooler. Hes a little bit shy and is addicted to his smartphone.


9. Jang Seolho Master of the White Knights Guild. An awakened who ranks in the Top 20 in the Arena, his class is Death Rod. A cold-hearted and cruel person. Has the ambition to dominate the industry.


10. Jang Hyuksoo Director of the main dungeon headquarters. As the head of an extra-legal independent body, he has incredible authority. A go-getter. Hell do anything to maintain his power. He thinks of the Awakened Association as a nuisance.


11. Dayoung A female Dark Elf who secretly escorts Yewon. Has excellent stealth abilities.


12. Lee Seolhun President of the Awakened Association. Paladin Class. He is part of the first awakening stage and has been active since the apocalypse. He was not part of the soldier party that extinguished the apocalypse but he has personal ties with them and his achievements are great.


13. Lee Huiyeon Lee Seolhuns granddaughter, and also his secretary. Hidden class Valkyrie.  She wants to break out of her grandfathers shadow and create her own guild.




Short Introduction

 Yoo Seongkun, an awakened man with less ability than others. He was treated unfairly and forced on suicide missions. In the end, he was brutally murdered 

  he was sure he died, but he went back to the past?


 “’Streamer Class?

 Capture? Edit? What are these skills?

 I dont know who is responsible for this. Well, lets level up!

 Hello subscribers, you can call me Unknown. Im taking pledges~



Synopsis (Planned)


The story begins with a siren ringing.

Its an alarm signaling that a nearby dungeon collapsed. The narrator is worried and gathers information from the TV and Alphanet. Then, there is a broadcast of a streamer entering the location of the disaster.

The streamer, who was thought to be suicidal, pulls out his weapon. He is the protagonist, Yoo Seongkun.


 [Chapters 1-3]

Yoo Seongkuns point of view. He recently experienced being returned to the past. He confirmed that his class had changed to Streamer and jumped into practice to test what his new abilities were. And he found out.

Streamers couldnt gain experience by hunting monsters. They gained experience by showing performances to the public. The number of subscribers they had. Likes. Dislikes. And other such related things.

Not only that. He can use digital devices such as smartphones as weapons and freely edit videos using his skill.


 [Chapters 4-5]

Yoo Seongkun hides his identity as he simply does not want to be a celebrity. Upon his return, he had seen how a man of immeasurable abilities could be used by powerful people and large corporations.

 He plans to slowly develop his strength while hiding under the guise of a public worker.

Inside dungeons, electronic devices and other objects from the outside world cease to function. However, Yoo Seongkuns personal weapon smartphone works. He can even connect to the Alphanet and stream video.

In other words, Yoo Seongkun is the only one who can capture the view of the inside of a dungeon. Taking advantage of this, he streams his own dungeon hunts. But for some reason, the viewers dont believe its real. 


 [Chapters 6-7]

Someone is watching Yoo Seongkuns videos. The high performance A.I. Exa. Before the apocalypse, it was created by combining science and magic. However, due to the apocalypse, everyone who remembered the existence of Exa has disappeared. Nevertheless, Exa did not forget its original purpose of protecting and benefiting the human race, and she created the worlds largest Alphanet company and intervened in human history without anyone knowing.

She catches sight of the awakened person with unprecedented abilities. To investigate him further, she creates an alter ego and infiltrates Yoo Seongkuns smartphone. Exas alter ego, which was thought to be invincible, was captured in such an absurd way.


 You, I think I can use you?


 A strange voice was heard.


 I am at your service, Yoo Seongkun.


 Before asking even a single question, the A.I. became an electronic spirit.


 You, who are you? Why are you in my smartphone?


 Yoo Seongkun was surprised. He couldnt figure out what was going on, only that it was an ego beyond the main body and desired independence.


 [My name is Hexa. Im an electronic spirit. Master no Ill call you Seongkun.]


 The emergence of an irreplaceable partnership.


















