Survival of a Chef from Another World


<Survival of a Chef from Another World> Novel Introduction









Isekai, Mukbang, Gourmet, Fantasy, Drama, Illusion, Cooking.


#Mukbang #Cooking #Fantasy #OtherWorld #Gourmet #Illusion


 Around 150 Chapters






Name : 염필잎



Id like to continue writing. Thank you for your interest.










Kang Woonsu: Main character. Sous-chef of a restaurant in Samsung-dong. One day he is transported to a country called Kief in another world. He has great skill in cooking and camping, and contributes such skills to Kief, which lacks a cultural base. 


Ref: The king of Kief. He hopes to transform Kief, which lacks cultural knowledge compared to other countries, into an advanced country. Since the cultural foundation was insufficient, when he meets the talented chef Gauss he immediately hires him.


Riena: Kiefs Minister. She believes in reason and science. From the beginning, she doubts that Gauss came from another world. But after discovering similar cases in their history, she begins to resolve her doubts. She is interested in the lives of the people, so she is always in a slight conflict with the strait-laced Ref.


Romanov: A foreign diplomat in Kief. He lived a very cold life but changed after meeting Gauss. He deals with all kinds of accidents caused by Gauss not understanding the norms of this world. He is the first one from the other world to interact with Gauss as a friend.


Neverny: A religious fanatic who sees Gauss as a devil worshiper and is always trying to kill him. He tries to get rid of Gauss by using outside forces but fails.


Short Introduction

Kang Woonsu, a chef at a restaurant in Samsung-dong who dreams to live his life eating and playing. One day he falls into another world. He arrives in Kief, a country with a strong military background but weak cultural foundations. The king, Ref, wants to be the best in both literary and military arts. Together, they turn Kief into the greatest country.


Kang Woonsu was transported to Kief. There, he was mistaken for a spy and sentenced to death. However, he was able to save himself by proving his cooking skills to the king, Ref. Kief was a country with weak cultural foundations and needed Kang Woonsu to cook high quality dishes.


Kang Woonsu lives under the name Gauss. Gauss uses his power to the fullest and helps Kief develop both diplomacy and internal administration. Competitors who previously ignored the culturally weak Kief began to reevaluate.


However, his ability to use such skills was seen as suspicious by some. Kiefs main religious sect declared Gauss a heretic. He was also approached by the anti-Ref nobles who wanted to take power for themselves and promised him protection. However, Gauss uses the few modern items that had also spread to this world to escape the accusations of heresy.


After clearing his name, Gauss began to visit various places around the kingdom, such as the port city and a city far to the south. Through this, he becomes highly regarded for his achievements in those places and raises his status to that of a noble. As a new nobleman, Gauss naturally encounters people from other countries. As he resolves various situations with the common sense of a contemporary modern man, he unintentionally creates a good image of himself in the eyes of the people. As a result, he establishes ties with the royal families of other countries as well.


The other aristocrats unite to keep Gauss in check. Gauss feels as though his life is at risk and escapes with the help of his friends. However, he leaves behind rumors that Gauss died in the process. In response, Ref uses his escape as an excuse to conduct a ruthless domestic purge.


Gauss escapes the attack and lives for a while in a foreign country he had established connections with. Having established his identity as a citizen from Kief, he lives as a Kief citizen in other countries. In the process, Gauss unexpectedly makes a great deal in Kiefs national interest. However, he soon hears about the rumors of his death and the subsequent purge.





Gauss returns to Kief in a hurry. However, the bloody purge has already been carried out. On his way, Gauss protects the poor, orphans, beggers, and those defeated. In this way, he unintentionally helps calm things down to some extent. The peoples evaluation of Gauss raises even higher.


Then, Ref decides to plan an invasion against other countries to calm the widespread unrest. The Great Nation that keeps Kief in check doesnt like this, and so Gauss goes directly to the capital of the Great Nation. Without realizing, the conversation shifts to convincing the Great Nation to show support for Kiefs invasion.


After a long war of attrition, Kief consolidates the surrounding small nations. But the last remaining Southern country was resisting until the end. Gauss has a good friend there and tries to insist on finding a peaceful solution. It wasnt Gausss intention, but the southern country misunderstands and take it as him being highly considerate of their country. Thus, the two countries are able to unite peacefully.


Gauss is granted an estate for his service and becomes a small king, but its too much work for him. However, as a result he has great mercy on the farmers by this worlds standards. Gauss becomes treated like a cult god among farmers and the poor.


Hearing of Gausss great reputation, the lion of the Great Nation mistakes Gauss for a great power and comes to see him. It turns out he is secretly a member of anti-Great Nation forces. With Gauss as the spearhead, Ref decides to attack the Great Nation. After being attacked from both the inside and outside, the Great Nation collapses, and Kief is freed from its longstanding power.


After this and many other events, Gauss is considered the father of his country. In the end, Gauss has become fond of Ref in his own way and desires a husband who wont try and control his power, so he marries Ref. Together, the two create a new beginning and end for the country.



