Reset Life


<Reset Life> Novel Introduction







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#TimeTravel #TraditionalFantasy #CharacterDevelopment #DivinePower #Reversal


10 Volumes (250 Chapters) Complete


All Ages




Name : 이그니시스






Arizain Herduc: Main character. After dying in battle at the age of 26, he is returned to 10 years in the past.

Returned to the body of a 16-year-old boy, the protagonist uses his knowledge of the future to try and prevent a war that will happen in ten years. Unlike in his last life, this time he becomes a disciple of the sword king Levidian and grows up overcoming hardship and adversity.


Levidian: The female protagonist who becomes the protagonists teacher. She is known as the most talented prosecutor in the country. After the protagonist points out her shortcomings, she accepts him as a disciple and eventually they grow to become lovers.


Aira: Her true identity is the daughter of the protagonist and Levidian. In the beginning, she appears as the only daughter of a Baron. She is the head of the empires top intelligence agency but hides her identity and appears as the daughter of a noble family with a lively personality who is outstanding in everything she does.


Namia: Joins the main character while chasing Archivere at the request of the god of light. Holds the position of a devout priest. 


Joy: Although he had been a knight showing off his power in the future, this time while spending his child in poverty he meets the main character, becomes sworn brothers with him, and changes the future. Later, with Namia, he becomes the knight of the God of Light.


Lucy: Unlike his feminine name, a man who is referred to as a muscle pig. Has a cheerful personality and works as a colleague of the main character and the leading magician of the spatial school. Serves the role of comedic relief alongside Aira.


Archivere Le Centrifé: The main villain. Planned a tremendous conspiracy to use Arizain Herduc to escape the repeated reset and die.


Liprendi: One of Archiveres villainous forces, he is defeated by Lucy in the world 10 years in the future but managed to return to the past by joining Archiveres gang. He is the representative figure of a villain, a character that is mean and depraved.


Short Introduction

Lissel suffered an unfair death at the forefront of the battlefield.

And he came back to life in the body of a 16-year-old, ten years in the past.

I can dominate the next ten years. But…’

However, the future has been changed thanks to a butterfly effect caused by different actions in the past.

In a rapidly changing situation, Lissels adventure begins!



A hopeless war against the empire. At the forefront of the war, the noble Lissel died in vain before he was returned 10 years in the past. Returned to the body of a 16-year-old-boy, Lissel decides to use his knowledge of the future. On the first day of his return, Lissel recalled that the sword king Levidian, one of the most powerful swordfighters on the continent, would join his family. Three years later, he successfully becomes her disciple and grows under her tutelage.


Together with Levidian, Lissel uses his knowledge of the future to recruit promising colleagues and eliminate black wizards. He slowly earns merit by thwarting various threats, but realizes that the future he knew is gradually changing in the aftermath of his changed decisions. The crisis heightens as those reset by Archiver began to appear. In the end, Lissel wins again Archiver, who has lived 1,611 lives.


Archivers ultimate goal was to face a true death. With the help of Archiver Lissel stops his plot to destroy the world and goes on a trip with Levidian.




