Both Hearts Belong to You



Both Hearts Belong to You


Kim Mukyeong


1. Genre

Modern Romance


2. Tagline

-A push and pull romance between an icebreaker-like star soccer player who only looks straight ahead and a female team doctor with iron walls called the Ice Queen on the field.


3. Brief Summary


Theres a woman whose heart froze long ago.

Heewon, the only female team doctor, called the Ice Queen on the field.

Then, an icebreaker-like man, who only knows how to go forward, approaches her.


Dont push me away, please. I dont need anymore. Just give me this much.


Park Jungwoo, a world-class star player with the strongest heart in Korea.

Nicknamed Two Hearts, he uses his strength to push himself towards the woman with a frozen heart.





4. Planning Points


One, physical romance disguised as sports!


This story is a soccer romance without a single scene of a soccer match.

The story is based on the pre-season period. A romantic drama centered on the sexy chemistry between the colorful life of a sports star and the beautiful team doctor who handles his body.

It offers a physical romance that even female readers who are reluctant about sports genres can enjoy.


Two, a love triangle between three men and women with special hearts.


A man with two hearts warmer than anyone else and a man with only half a heart.

And a woman with a frozen heart harder than ice caps.

This love triangle unfolds in a flashy push and pull romance.


Three, a youthful romance like fresh dew


One of them must be your type, right?

The bright charms of soccer players who are like idols

And a beautiful drama who became their goddess create a fresh youth drama

The various charms of the main male leads and the rest of the soccer team unfold in a variety of ways.


Four, the girl crush concept of a girl who exercises!


2021s keyword is still a woman who exercises.

The popularity of <Women Who Make Goals> and <Elegant and Lively Womens Soccer>

Proves that now women in their 30s are enthusiastic about the stories of women moving forward proudly.

Through the characters around Heewon, she will show the drama of a woman silently exercising on the outskirts and show girl crush and the touching friendship of a woman.



4. Characters


1) Main Characters

Han Heewon (Woman in her 30s) PG Seouls Team Doctor


Ive always wanted to be someones savior, just like my Aunt was for me. I wanted to be the kind of superwoman who could pierce straight through the fire and come out carrying someone away from danger. Maybe thats why I chose this job. However, you were already my salvation. Since a long time ago, you have been my salvation.


Orthopedic surgeon and Koreas first IOC certified sports doctor. Goddess of the field that always smells of fresh grass.

She looks as cold as ice, but actually she has a heart as warm and firm as a diamond. During her specialization days, the only family member she had was her aunt, who was a volleyball player for the national team. After her aunt died during a match, she decided to become a sports doctor. In recognition of her three-years of experience as a team doctor for a prestigious soccer team in La Liga, Spain, she has been appointed the team doctor for PG Seoul, a new soccer team.


 Her long hair is always tied up and she is always wearing sportswear with no makeup, but her dazzling beauty and curvy figure remain unhidden, attracting the attention of athletes and audiences alike. With her long hair in a ponytail, she runs across the field as soon as the injury whistle sounds, looking like the goddess Athena from Greek mythology. Once, when a player was seriously injured(?) during a free kick, as soon as he saw Heewon running, he jumped up as if nothing had happened. This is one of the anecdotes most mentioned when talking about her abilities.


Past: While choosing souvenirs for her family during a school trip in her second year of middle school, her homeroom teacher informed her about the accident. Heewon didnt understand what was going on and went to the hospital holding her teachers hand. A truck driver who had been working overnight shifts for three days straight hit her familys car, killing all of the passengers instantly. Standing in front of the bodies that lay side by side in the morgue, Heewon gripped the souvenir her brother had asked her to buy tightly. At that moment, the light went out of Heewons small heart.


After that, Heewon was continuously passed from relative to relative. The considerable wealth her parents left behind allowed her to see the true faces of adults early on in life. While moving from relatives house to relatives house, Heewon was forced to grow up far too early and learned to survive among wounds, feelings, and peoples desires.

One day while wandering between relatives houses, a fancy sports car stopped in front of Heewon as she was leaving school alone as usual. Out of the sports car came Heewons youngest Aunt Eunkyung, a professional volleyball player who had just transferred from a Spanish team to the Korean National team. As soon as Eunkyung saw Heewon, she smiled brightly and gave her a hug. Eunkyung went to the relatives Heewon was currently residing with and overpowered her screaming relatives with her unique charisma and bone-breaking spikes, taking Heewon away with her.

It was hard, wasnt it? Lets go home now.

As her aunt rescued her from hell, she reminded her of Wonder Woman overpowering villains.


Eunkyungs shocking move, in which she gave up billions in salary to return to her home team, became a hot topic of conversation. Eunkyungs external reason was the revival of the domestic league and wanting to win an Olympic medal as a member of the national team. However, Heewon often felt guilty, wondering whether her aunt had sacrificed her career for her and whether she was only a burden on her. Whenever she brought it up, Eunkyung would only smile and say, Auntie is a lot more amazing than you think. Im not worried about other adults, you cheeky kid, and would tap her on the forehead playfully.


 The time she lived with Eunkyung was the happiest time in her life. Eunkyungs warm and welcoming personality and the way she sometimes treated her like a sister, sometimes like a daughter, melted Heewons heart like sunlight. She thought that if it wasnt for her Aunt, she probably would have grown up to be a sociopath without blood or tears. A few years later, her aunt married and gave birth to Seonhwa, and Heewon was able to go to medical school thanks to her support. Heewon left Eunkyungs house when she went to college and they couldnt meet often, but Heewon lived every day with the desire to become a good orthopedic surgeon and help her aunt who was frequently injured.  


 For Heewon, the news of Eunkyungs death was like a bolt out of the blue. Her Aunt, an unpopular female athlete who had to compete without a team doctor even though she was on the Olympic team, died from cardiac arrest after not receiving proper treatment during a match. Her Aunts heart, which burned stronger and hotter than anyone elses, died so weakly.


 Shortly after her aunts death, her Uncle, who had been cheating on his wife, declared remarriage, and Heewon went to England to get a degree in sports medicine as if she were running away as soon as she received her specialist license.

It rained all the time in London. Heewon, living without a soul in a gloomy country, travelled all over Europe whenever she had the time to try and clear her mind. Then, she happened to watch a La Liga game in Barcelona and became sure of her calling watching the team doctor running across the field.

After getting her degree and returning to Korea, Heewon went to meet Seonhwa for the first time in a long time. However, the Seonhwa she saw at her uncles house was withering away. Heewon recalled her own past when she saw the way her uncles new family left Seonhwa alone and home and travelled by themselves, and in response she took Seonhwa away from that house. She thought Seonhwa needed more sunshine, so she took Seonhwa to Spain, the hottest country she knew.


Working as a sports doctor there, Heewon was hired by the prestigious FC Mendes due to a coincidence. Seonhwa looked at her the same way she had looked at Aunt Eunkyeong, and as she grew older he began to show outstanding athletic prowess. Seonhwa, who was initially absent-minded, started kicking the ball with the children in the neighborhood one day and fell into soccer. Seeing Seonhwa like that, Heewon realized what she had to do.

Just as her aunt did for her, supporting and raising Seonhwa well became her goal.


Truthfully, she didnt have plans to go back to Korea. But a senior she had had a fling with 10 years ago, Minhyuk, suddenly appeared in front of her and offered her a position as a K League team doctor. Heewon wasnt confident about returning to Korea, but Seonhwa begged her so she eventually accepted Minhyuks proposal.


However, she met a man named Park Jungwoo on the plane back home. Heewon was reminded of her aunt when she heard his story and how he was giving up even more favorable conditions than her aunt had to return back home. Why did he make such a choice? She guessed there must be a reason he couldnt say behind peoples gossip. But when she met him, he was like a beast bleeding from injury. She remembered her childhood days, when she still had a family and had seen a wolf crying in its cage. She had wanted to fix him. Like an old habit, her body moved before she could think.

Every time he saw her, he would pull out his claws and growl, but there was no doctor who would give up treatment just because they were afraid of being bitten. So, she approached him firmly. Little by little, he begins to hover around her like a gentle puppy.



Park Jungwoo (28 years old, Male)

The man with the strongest and warmest heart in Korea


Dont push me away, please. Just promise me this. I dont need any more. Just give me this much.


A world-class soccer player playing in the Premier League. He is a player like a national treasure, the pride of South Korea who has been a main player in a prestigious club and won three Champion League titles and has been nominated for the Ballon DOr three times. However, he suddenly decided to transfer to the new K-League PG Seoul team, causing a stir.

The external cause of his transfer was the revival of the K-League and preparations for the World Cup. But there was actually another reason. It was because of a bet he couldnt even remember that he made with his senior Minhyuk when he was 20 and under the influence of alcohol.

7 years later, Minhyuk flew to London and smiled at him. He thought it was a joke when Minhyuk pushed the mysterious note that he had signed while drunk toward him. But Minhyuk was telling the truth.

After months of arguing, the worlds best player Park Jungwoo eventually decided to transfer to the K-League because of his firm philosophy that men should keep their promises no matter what.


Although currently a striker, he has played various positions since childhood, so he has grown into an all-rounder player. When he first started playing soccer, he was short, so he worked more diligently than anyone else to ensure that he wouldnt fall behind. When he became a high school student, he grew 20 centimeters and his physique filled out enough for him to be called a physical player. However, he is still more diligent and a much faster player than anyone else. Since becoming a world-class player in his youth, he is confident that no other player plays more than he does on the field. Victoria FC Coach Neil Critchely once praised Jungwoo as a player with two hearts.


However, that was why he inevitably had many injuries. At every critical moment, a tiresome injury grabbed his ankle. Park Jungwoo, who played in the Premier League before he even became an adult, had become the most important player in the team with the best performance in the leave every time. However, he was unable to participate in international competitions because of his injury. It was a painful memory for Jungwoo that he had to sit on the bench during all three World Cups because of his injury.


There was an accident one year ago. After an accident in which he almost lost his life, upon regaining consciousness Jungwoo was hit with the reality of his life as a soccer player. Until now, he had only been running forward, but without his body he was nothing. The fact that he could fall into the abyss at any moment became unbelievably scary.


After a year of wandering around like a shell of a human, Seo Minhyuk found him, and Premier League player Park Jungwoo moved to the K-League. Considering Jungwoos position as a player, he couldnt have made that decision unless he was forcibly released, but since it was just a de facto short-term rental contract, his agency decided to think of it as a vacation. Actually, he had reached the top position he had been aiming for and was growing tired of constant injuries and competition. His reason for playing soccer was fading away, and in a way his decision was also an escape.


However, when he came to Korea and met Heewon, Seonhwa, and the FC peanut players, his heart beat as he was reminded of the first time he played soccer and why he loved it. The moment he thought he was lost, she showed him the way. Now Jungwoo runs for her, toward her. Because that is how his heart reacts.


-Personality: Simple and straightforward. Hes good, and hates acting like he isnt but doesnt know how to act nice. If he likes something, he likes something and if he doesnt, then he doesnt, but he doesnt know how to act because it doesnt suit his aptitude. He has lived in the spotlight since he was young and every move he has made has been the subject of peoples attention. He is the best player in the world but doesnt show off and is sincere and has a relatively good relationship with his teammates. However, he is very hostile towards doctors because his life had almost ended due to incorrect treatment in the past. He prevents anyone from touching his body, and if his pain is even a little bit sharp it immediately causes a disturbance. His mind is always in a rush, but his body cant keep up, so he grows more hysterical each day. He was a beast that no one could touch, but as time goes on he is slowly trained by Heewon and becomes a large, gentle dog.

He has always been looking towards the goalposts with one goal in mind, but now all he can see on the field is Heewon. Jungwoos love life is not easy because he has lived his whole life as a fool who only knows sports and has a simple nature. He tries different things with the help of his peers, but the more he tries, the further he gets from Heewons heart and the longer his road becomes.



Seo Minhyuk (mid-30s, male)

A man with half a heart


Director of PG Automotive Marketing and CEO of PG Sports.

Son of Seo Heungsu, a member of the PG family called the PG Groups black sheep. Seo Heungsu was the oldest son of the PG Group founder Seo Bongeun and the elder brother of current chairman Seo Dongjin but was rejected by his father after pushing ahead with his marriage despite his fathers opposition because Minhyuks mother was a commoner.

Even before marrying his mother, his father was an innocent and free-spirited soul. He was naïve to the point where he didnt know the ways of the world, and perhaps because of his naivety he was able to marry Minhyuks mother. His mother and father loved each other, but his father was incompetent. In fact, his mother supported the family because his father didnt work for a long time and had no sense of resourcefulness. So, even though he was the child of a chaebol family, he lived without comprehending it.

His only memory of childhood is waiting for hours in front of a large mansion that he visited several times a year, probably for his grandfathers birthday, dressed in a suit. His grandmother supported his living expenses throughout his childhood without the knowledge of his grandfather, so he was able to grow up well.


Although he had excellent academic performance, he was also talented in soccer from a young age and played in the youth league as well as the U20 twice. After entering the department of physical education at K University, he was building a good career and receiving various offers from overseas clubs, but then his mother was diagnosed with cancer. Since his grandmother, who had supported their living expenses, had died, his familys livelihood was not the same as before. His father spent his days crying, and Minhyuk was at a loss trying to pay for all of the hospital bills. His fathers incompetence couldnt save his mother.


At that time, Minhyuk visited the mortuary alone instead of his father after receiving an obituary for his cousin, Donghyun, the only son of Seo Dongjin, who died in a traffic accident. Chairman Seo Dongjin was surprised to find Minhyuk sitting in a corner of the mortuary alone, looking so similar to his son. (He had seen Minhyuk only once before when he was very young). After learning of Minhyuks situation, Seo Dongjin made a proposal. He would support his mothers living expenses and hospital bills, but Minhyuk had to agree to quit soccer and take lessons to become the next successor after his mothers condition improved. It was a sudden proposal, but Minhyuk accepted in order to save his mother. However, shortly afterwards his mothers condition deteriorated, and his life became different from what he knew. Even during his mothers funeral, he remained calm, but through it Minhyuks life beliefs changed. Love and ideals couldnt beat reality. He took it to heart that love that turns a blind eye to reality cant protect anything. So, he gave up his career and went to the U.S. to take business classes abroad according to his uncles wishes.


Minhyuk, who completed his MBA with excellent grades despite having been focused on sports for a long time, joined PG Automotive as soon as he returned, and became in charge of marketing a year later. Anyone could see that the move was the first step towards management succession, which was virtually equivalent to being adopted by the family.

Minhyuk, who proved his value by achieving amazing sales growth while serving as the head of PG Automotives marketing division, expressed his desire to acquire SC Seoul after hearing it was on the verge of being sold. After that, PG Seoul was established, and he began to serve as the representative of PG Sports. It was all possible due to Minhyuks active proposal and will as well as Chairman Seos full support and trust in him. Taking advantage of his experiences playing soccer in his youth, Minhyuk created a sensation in the K-League through his use of unconventional players and management of the club. In particular, he was able to recruit Park Jungwoo to PG Seoul because of a drinking bet they made when they were in school. He is proving his ability to win by making a leap forward through PG Seoul becoming the team receiving the most attention in the league.   


- Personality: He has soft charisma and never loses his smile. Handsome, an excellent background, adult.

With his gentle and calm nature and leadership abilities, he has all of the qualities of an adult man that men can admire. Although he never loses his gentle manner and relaxed attitude, he sometimes shows aspects of a strategist that make him feel a little creepy.


- Love Life: After meeting Heewon in college, he was attracted to her at first sight and they had a brief fling, but he broke up with her when he went to study abroad. He had too much on his shoulders to put it all down and live the life he wanted.

- He had never given so generously to a woman before Heewon nor did he after. Heewon always held a place in the corner of his heart. It would be a lie to say there was never a moment he forgot her, though. He had a lot of things to do, responsibilities to keep, and things to achieve. But sometimes during his hectic life, he would look back on those days. Then, he finally got a chance to meet Heewon again after a long time.

 After founding PG Seoul, the first thing Minhyuk did was scout Heewon. Heewon was the best sports doctor around, so the appointment wasnt made entirely out of self-interest, but it would be a lie to say there was no self-interest involved at all. Heewon was still beautiful even after so much time had passed. Minhyuk intends to win her heart again, but hes cautious as he already missed his chance once before.

Then, at one point, he discovers that Jungwoo, his favourite player and junior, is also looking at Heewon. Watching Jungwoos straightforward fearlessness and love and the way he pushes relentlessly forward with his athletes heart, Minhyuk cant help but reflect on himself at that age, when he let go of Heewon far too easily.



2) PG Seoul Players & Staff Members


Oh Joongseob (64 years old, Male)

Director of PG Seoul. He recognized Park Jungwoos potential and has been guiding him since his youth.



Lee Junghwan (40 years old, Male)

PG Seouls Captain. Position: Defense. Since the founding of SC Seoul, PG Seouls predecessor, he has served as a bridgehead for the team. Although he is older, he is highly trusted by his teammates for his thorough self-management and leadership.


Choi Minwoo (late 20s, Male)

Midfielder. He has been playing with Jungwoo since childhood and is in charge of Jungwoos love counseling. He is a friendly playboy with a soft impression and charming eye smile.


Lee Taemin (20 years old, Male)

Midfielder. A promising player who just joined the team and has been a fan of Jungwoo since childhood. A cute flower-boy.



3) The People Around Heewon


Han Seonhwa (13 years old, female)

Heewons younger cousin. She is a promising young player who dreams of becoming the worlds best female soccer player and is the only female member of the PG youth team.

She has a cheerful and bright personality, but sometimes speaks insightfully enough to frighten adults. She grew up too early and has great senses and feels guilty that Heewon had to sacrifice her life for hers. When Heewon is trying to figure out how to support her life, the two men Jungwoo and Minhyuk are caught on Seonhwas radar. Park Jungwoo is the best soccer player and her respected senior, but she thinks he is too immature for a man. Minhyuk is flawless in qualifications and character but seems to place more importance on his uncle than Heewon. Seonhwas 13-year-old mind is always busy because she has to think about who should be with Heewon. Heewon is ignorant of these issues and has no idea what goes on behind-the-scenes between Seonhwa and the two men.


Kim Eunkyung (in her 30s at the time of death)

Seonhwas mom and Heewons maternal Aunt. She is considered the greatest player in the history of Korean Womens Volleyball. She was a sunny person with natural charisma, a warm heart, and leadership skills. She was Heewons Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel, but she participated in an international competition without a team doctor and died due to heart failure during the game. 


Choi Kyungja (40s, Female)

Captian of FC Peanut, the womens soccer team to which Heewon and Seonhwa belong. She is a boss who runs a large pub near the stadium. She was a professional soccer player when she was young and was a close friend of Eunkyung. A woman with excellent soccer skills and leadership ability. She has big hands, a loud voice, and is quick-witted and outspoken. Every Sunday morning, she sneaks up and watches the two men who hover around Heewon from afar. When she sees the push and pull between the three, she is pleased with the pleasant vision of youth.



3) The People Around Jungwoo


Choi Woosik (20s, Male)

Jungwoos S&P Agent. An elite with a law school background but a flippant personality. These days, people in their 20s quit their law firms because they dont fit in and move to S&P to achieve their dreams! He is fluent in legal matters as well as foreign languages. However, he always keeps Jungwoo on a leash even though hes done a good job. Hes the type who can never be satisfied. Thanks to his quick wit, he was able to become the agent of the agencys top star, Jungwoo, after only 3 years. Basically, he respects and likes Junwoo so he follows him around and gives him instructions even outside of his agent duties.


Jung Eunseok (40s, Male)

CEO of S&P Agency. He was a soccer player in the past, but after retiring changed his job to an agent. He paid attention to Jungwoos potential since his youth and helped him grow into a world class player by supporting him like a family. He always looks tired due to his skinny physique, but he has a lot of ulterior motives.


Bong Byungsu (30s, Male)

Seoul Sports reporter. He was humiliated by Jungwoo in the past and harbors ill feelings toward him. He hangs around Jungwoo to try and find out his weakness. He releases a malicious scandal about Heewon and Jungwoo.


4) The People Around Minhyuk


Seo Jongwoo (50s, Male)

Chairman of PG Group, Minhyuks Uncle.


Seo Heungsu (50s, Male)

Minhyuks father. He married a commoner despite his familys opposition and was thrown out of the house. After the death of Minhyuks mother, he returned to farming and lives a quiet life. He is a simple person unlike a member of a chaebol family. None of the people who live in his village know who he really is. His relationship with Minhyuk is broken over the issue of his mother.



5. Summary



PG Group, one of Koreas leading conglomerates, announces the establishment of the soccer team PG Seoul. Seo Minhyuk, who took over as head of PG Seoul, announces at an official press conference that he will invest large amounts of capital to hire the best players and raise the K-Leagues status to a global level by providing the best environment possible. In addition, for the first time in K-League history, he announces they will use a resident Team Doctor to prevent injuries and take quick action and manage players systematically and scientifically.

Those attending the conference are in shock when Minhyuk finally reveals his lineup. Park Jungwoo, who has been nominated for the Ballon DOr several times and established himself as a world-class soccer player, is listed in the lineup for PG Seoul. The media begins constantly reporting Park Jungwoos transfer, and there are many rumors related to the reason for his transfer.


In the midst of this, Jungwoo has conflicting thoughts about returning home. Although he fell for Minhyuks trick and decided to return to the K-League, hes uncomfortable seeing speculative reports about himself in the media. In his distress, Jungwoo drank too much on the plane and suddenly collapsed due to shock. Then, a beautiful woman appeared and quickly cleared the situation with lightning-like emergency measures. Even with Jungwoos disobedience, she finishes her treatment without hesitation and disappears leisurely after the plane arrives in Incheon Airport.


After, Jungwoo, who overcame the crisis but couldnt shake the feeling of being strangely beaten, searches for her in every possible way, but her whereabouts are unknown. However, on his first day of joining the team, Minhyuk announces that he recruited a Korean doctor from La Liga and introduces Heewon as their resident Team Doctor. Their eyes meet, and Jungwoo feels as if he was struck by lightning.

As soon as the orientation is over, Jungwoo acts like he knows Heewon, but Heewon is cold towards him. Additionally, when he saw Heewon look friendlier with Minhyuk than necessary, Jungwoo became determined. From then on, Jungwoos mission to win Heewons heart begins.



PG Seoul begins their full-fledged training and personal medical checks are conducted on each individual player. The beautiful female team doctor touches all over their bodies, puzzling the young players. Meanwhile, Jungwoo pretends to be sick to get attention from Heewon, and Heewon thinks he is ridiculous and acting like a child. In addition, the love triangle between Minhyuk, who wants Heewon back, and Jungwoo, who wants to break through Heewons iron walls, is escalating.


Meanwhile, Jungwoo finds out by chance that Heewons younger cousin Seonhwa plays for the FC Peanuts, a womans youth soccer team. Since then, he has been sneaking around the soccer field every Sunday trying to get closer to Heewon. Minhyuk notices and also goes to watch the game on Sunday and Seonhwa, who notices the competition between the two men, claims to be a helper who will connect Heewon with the better man. They have a wrap-up party with the women on the soccer team, and the three become closer.


Meanwhile, Jungwoo thinks of himself as Seonhwas guide in order to win her favor and gradually becomes closer to Seonhwa. Through Seonhwa, he learns stories of Heewons past and why she doesnt want anyone around. Jungwoo comforts Seonhwa, who lives with guilt over her sister, who lives for Seonhwa at the expense of her own happiness. Jungwoo continues to get closer to Heewon thanks to Seonhwas assistance and help from his colleagues.

Heewons heart is shaken by Jungwoos pure passion and straightforwardness. Heewon is afraid of leaning toward Jungwoo, so she tries to stay away from him and treats him coldly.


Meanwhile, PG Seoul is going to play a friendly match against Victoria FC, Jungwoos former team. Jungwoo, overwhelmed by the pressure of playing against his own team, collapses after suffering from a concussion while fighting during the match. While giving first aid to the unconscious Jungwoo, Heewon feels an emotion she has never experienced before. Deep fear. While waiting for Jungwoo to regain consciousness, Heewon realizes her feelings, and as soon as he wakes up she confesses. From then on, the two start a relationship.




As soon as the K League opens, PG Seoul is on a roll. Jungwoo shows his best condition in every game as if dispelling all kinds of speculation and concerns about his physical condition. Jungwoo, who won Heewons heart, has nothing to be afraid of. Heewon and Jungwoo gradually develop their love and their hearts become more affectionate day by day.


However, sports reporter Bong Byungsu creates a malicious scandal against Jungwoo and Heewon in order to exact revenge against Jungwoo. There are numerous groundless articles criticizing Heewon and claiming her to be a divorced woman who came to seduce Jungwoo for his property. Meanwhile, controversy over Seonhwa receiving special treatment for being the only female on the PG Youth team lead to her being expelled from the team. Heewon, thinking her presence would only hamper both Jungwoo and Seonhwas futures under the current conditions, decides to leave PG Seoul and return to Spain.  


Jungwoo is hurt when he sees Heewon trying to fix everything on her own without discussing anything with him. He wasnt a man she could trust or rely on in times of need. Jungwoo is distressed, feeling that their relationship until now was just excitement to her and that in the end he was meaningless to her. In the process, the two get into a loud fight, and as their conflict deepens they part in tears.



Heewon leaves the team and prepares to return to Spain. Seonhwa tries to persuade Heewon and say she can transfer to another school and play for the school soccer team, but Heewon will not be swayed. Heewon wonders if she is trying to run away from Jungwoo using Seonhwa as an excuse. She finds it difficult to put aside her pride and have the courage to be the first to approach. While comforting Heewon, Minhyuk approaches, but Heewon expresses her rejection, saying that she cant accept Minhyuks heart.


Meanwhile, although Heewon left the team the negative public opinions toward Jungwoo wont subside. Conflict deepens between the players, who believe that Heewon was virtually kicked out, and Minhyuk. As the ace Jungwoos skills drop sharply, PG Seouls performance plunges. PG Group reprimands Minhyuk, the head of PG Seoul, and Minhyuk pushes ahead for a trade between Lee Junghwan, the spiritual pillarhead of the team, and rising new players.

Jungwoo opposes, and the conflict between him and Minhyuk deepens. Coach Park is forced to step up and mediate the conflict between the two, and the team gradually returns to stability. Wearing the Captains armband, Jungwoo becomes more immersed in the team in order to fill Junghwans vacancy and forget Heewon, and PG Seouls performance improves little by little.


A few days before leaving the country, Heewon has a ticket to the opening match of the K-League finals between PG Seoul and the MS Heroes. Seonhwa goes to watch the game and Heewon heads to Kyungjas pub to say goodbye. Kyungja gives affectionate advice to Heewon, who is still afraid of love. Heewon becomes upset while watching the broadcast on the TV in the pub. When she leaves to get some air, she gets a call from Seonhwa. Seonhwa cries and asks her to come quickly because Jungwoo was seriously injured and there is no doctor, and Heewon runs to the stadium in a hurry. After running to the medical office and overpowering the guards who prevent outsiders from entering, Heewon is embarrassed to find Jungwoo sitting intact. Jungwoo merely had a cramp in his leg during the game and was resting for a while, and Seonhwa made it all up in order to get the two to meet. After learning the whole story, Heewon laughs at herself for running without thinking about it. She tells Jungwoo shes glad his body is fine, but as she turns to leave Jungwoo grabs onto her. When Jungwoo tells her he missed her, her walls collapse, and she complains that he has no pride. Jungwoo responds slyly, asking, Do you think I have two hearts for no reason?, and then confesses that his heart will only beat for Heewon, no matter how many he has. The two share a reunion kiss.


After reuniting with Heewon, Jungwoo scores a golden goal and PG Seoul dramatically advances to the final. Heewon cancels her trip to Europe and takes care of Jungwoo as his personal doctor, while Seonhwa plays for her schools soccer team.

During this period, Coach Linus announces the national team lineup, and Jungwoos name is on the list. As long as he doesnt receive a serious injury before joining the national team, he will achieve his dream of becoming a member. It was obvious that the ace Jungwoo was going to be closely marked, so there was a high chance of injury. However, Jungwoo has become attached to his team while playing in the K League and wants to achieve his dream of winning. Jungwoo consults Heewon about his concerns.

This is not like you, why are you measuring things and thinking about them? Just do what your heart tells you to do, she responds.

Encouraged by Heewons words, Jungwoo decides to overcome his fear of injury and play in the final game.



The final K-League match will be held between PG Seoul and the LS Tigers. Coach Parks strategy initially proves advantageous for PG Seoul, but Jungwoos injury trauma has a relapse when Jungwoo is closely marked as expected. PG Seoul begins to face difficulties in the middle of the match because of Jungwoos stiff movements. During a physical fight, Jungwoo collapses in a temporary panic. At this time, Heewon runs onto the field to give him treatment and reassures and encourages him. Jungwoo stands up again to lead the team, and PG Seoul makes history by winning the K-League in their first year as a team. After being selected as MVP, Jungwoo proposes to Heewon at a press conference and she accepts.


1 year later.

PG Womens Soccer Team is established, and Seonhwa becomes the first player and captain of the youth team. Jungwoo participates in the World Cup wearing the Captains armband and Heewon joins the national team as a doctor. On the plane to Qatar, Jungwoo learns that Heewon is pregnant and the two end with a dream of a happy future.

